Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
De-auth of the blue! transparent de-authentication using bluetooth low energy beacon
2020 Conti, M.; Tricomi, P. P.; Tsudik, G.
Don't Skype & Type! Acoustic Eavesdropping in Voice-Over-IP.
2017 Compagno, Alberto; Conti, Mauro; Lain, Daniele; Tsudik, Gene
PILOT: Password and PIN information leakage from obfuscated typing videos
2019 Balagani, K.; Cardaioli, M.; Conti, M.; Gasti, P.; Georgiev, M.; Gurtler, T.; Lain, D.; Miller, C.; Molas, K.; Samarin, N.; Saraci, Eugen; Tsudik, G.; Wu, L.
Privacy-Aware Caching in Information-Centric Networking.
2018 Acs, Gergely; Conti, Mauro; Gasti, Paolo; Ghali, Cesar; Tsudik, Gene; Wood, Christopher A.
SILK-TV: Secret information leakage from keystroke timing videos
2018 Balagani, K. S.; Conti, M.; Gasti, P.; Georgiev, M.; Gurtler, T.; Lain, D.; Miller, C.; Molas, K.; Samarin, N.; Saraci, E.; Tsudik, G.; Wu, L.
Skype & type: Keyboard eavesdropping in voice-over-IP
2019 Cecconello, S.; Compagno, A.; Conti, M.; Lain, D.; Tsudik, G.