Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A First Step toward the Understanding of Implicit Learning of Hazard Anticipation in Inexperienced Road Users Through a Moped-Riding Simulator 2017 TAGLIABUE, MARIAELENAGIANFRANCHI, EVELYNSARLO, MICHELA FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
A tool for training hazard perception and for assessing driving behaviors in adolescents and inexperienced drivers: A simulation study 2019 Gianfranchi, Evelyn - - -
Body and mind in driving abilities: how electrodermal correlates can explain the improvement of hazard perception in a virtual training 2016 GIANFRANCHI, EVELYNSARLO, MICHELATAGLIABUE, MARIAELENA NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TRENDS - XXIV National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology
Electrophysiological correlates of attentional monitoring during a complex driving simulation task 2020 Gianfranchi, EvelynMento, GiovanniDuma, Gian MarcoChierchia, ChristianSarlo, MichelaTagliabue, Mariaelena BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY - -
How can on-road hazard perception and anticipation be improved? Evidence from the body 2019 Tagliabue, MariaelenaSarlo, MichelaGianfranchi, Evelyn FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Neurocognitive and behavioral markers in DUI recidivists 2019 Terranova, ClaudioTagliabue, MariaelenaCona, GiorgiaGianfranchi, EvelynDi Pietra, LauraVidotto, GiulioMontisci, Massimo TRAFFIC INJURY PREVENTION - -
Personality traits and beliefs about peers’ on-road behaviors as predictors of adolescents’ moped-riding profiles. 2018 Evelyn GiANFRANCHIMariaelena TAGLIABUEGiulio VIDOTTO FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Rischiare in sicurezza: La conduttanza cutanea come marcatore somatico del rischio alla guida in ambiente virtuale. 2017 Gianfranchi, E.Sarlo, M.Tagliabue, M. - - Atti del XXIII Congresso Nazionale AIP della SEZIONE DI PSICOLOGIA SPERIMENTALE Bari 20-22 Settembre 2017
Risk profiles in novice road users: Relation between moped riding simulator performance, on-road aberrant behaviors and dangerous driving 2017 GIANFRANCHI, EVELYNSPOTO, ANDREATAGLIABUE, MARIAELENA TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F: TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR - -
Sensation seeking, non-contextual decision making, and driving abilities as measured through a moped simulator. 2017 Evelyn GianfranchiMariaelena TagliabueAndrea SpotoGiulio Vidotto FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY - -
Stressing the accuracy: Wrist-worn wearable sensor validation over different conditions 2019 MENGHINI, LUCAEvelyn GianfranchiNicola CelliniElisabetta PatronMariaelena TagliabueMichela Sarlo PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY - -