Castagnetti, Marco
Castagnetti, Marco
Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche - DiSCOG
'Preemptive hydrocelectomy' in subinguinal varicocelectomy
2008 Castagnetti, M; Cimador, M; Dipace, Mr; Catalano, P; Degrazia, E
A comparison between laparoscopic and retroperitoneoscopic approach for partial nephrectomy in children with duplex kidney: a multicentric survey
2016 Esposito, C.; Escolino, M.; Miyano, G.; Caione, P.; Chiarenza, F.; Riccipetitoni, G.; Yamataka, A.; Savanelli, A.; Settimi, A.; Varlet, F.; Patkowski, D.; Cerulo, M.; Castagnetti, M.; Till, H.; Marotta, R.; La Manna, A.; Valla, J. -S.
A giant fetal urinoma in a neonate without detectable obstructive uropathy
2003 Cimador, M; Castagnetti, M.; Rosone, G; Lima, M; DE GRAZIA, E
A simple adjunct for safer change of PEG
2006 Castagnetti, M.; Patel, S
Abstracts presented at the European Society for Pediatric Urology (ESPU) meetings (2003-2010): Characteristics and outcome
2014 Castagnetti, M; Subramaniam, R; El-Ghoneimi, A
Adolescent Varicocele: Influence of Tanner Stage at Presentation on the Presence, Development, Worsening and/or Improvement of Testicular Hypotrophy Without Surgical Intervention EDITORIAL COMMENT
2010 Castagnetti, M
An unusual case of female hypospadias associated with a pelvic mass
2008 Vezzu, B; Castagnetti, M; Bisogno, Gianni; Cecchetto, Giovanni; Rigamonti, W.
Anesthesiologic aspects of laparoscopic fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux in children with chronic respiratory and gastroenterological symptoms
2003 Mattioli, G; Montobbio, G; Prato, Ap; Repetto, P; Carlini, C; Gentilino, V; Castagnetti, M.; Leggio, S; DELLA ROCCA, M; Kotitsa, Z; Jasonni, V
Anorectal malformation and associated end-stage renal disease: management from newborn to adult life.
2013 Giuliani, S; Midrio, P; De Filippo, Re; Vidal, E; Castagnetti, M; Zanon, GIOVANNI FRANCO; Gamba, Piergiorgio
Antibiotic prophylaxis in antenatal nonrefluxing hydronephrosis, megaureter and ureterocele
2012 Castagnetti, M; Cimador, M; Esposito, C; Rigamonti, W
Appendicectomy for simple appendicitis: Video-assisted or intracorporeal?
2007 Mattioli, G; Castagnetti, M; Jasonni, V
Appraisal of the role of radical prostatectomy for rhabdomyosarcoma in children: oncological and urological outcome
2018 Angelini, L; Bisogno, G; Esposito, Ciro; Castagnetti, Marco
Bench thrombolysis and “autotransplantation” as a rescue treatment for venous thrombosis after living-donor kidney transplantation
2021 Ghidini, F.; De Corti, F.; Fascetti Leon, F.; Trojan, D.; Parolin, M.; Tognon, C.; Castagnetti, M.; Vidal, E.; Gamba, P.
Benign penile skin anomalies in children: a primer for pediatricians
2015 Castagnetti, M.; Leonard, M.; Guerra, L.; Esposito, C.; Cimador, M.
Bladder Catheterization is not mandatory for Tc-MAG3 in primary non -refluxing megaureter in pediatric patients
2011 Zucchetta, P.; Burei, M.; Cecchin, Diego; Murer, L.; Rigamonti, W.; Castagnetti, M.; Bui, Franco
Bladder Injuries During Laparoscopic Orchiopexy: Incidence and Lessons Learned COMMENT
2009 Castagnetti, M
Bladder urothelial neoplasms in pediatric age: Experience at three tertiary centers
2015 Berrettini, A.; Castagnetti, M.; Salerno, A.; Nappo, S. G.; Manzoni, G.; Rigamonti, W.; Caione, P.
Boy with fish-mouth meatus
2019 Cortellazzo Wiel, L.; Pederiva, F.; Castagnetti, M.; Barbi, E.; Pennesi, M.
Childhood Hypospadias Repairs-Do they Stand the Test of Time?
2015 Castagnetti, M
Clinico-pathological correlation in duplex system ectopic ureters and ureteroceles: can preoperative work-up predict renal histology?
2012 Meneghesso, D; Castagnetti, M; Della Vella, M; Benetti, E; Zucchetta, P; Rigamonti, W; Murer, L