Pooranian, Zahra
Pooranian, Zahra
Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita" - DM
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for job scheduling on computational grids
2013 Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Tavoli, Reza; Singhal, Mukesh; Abraham, Ajith
A Novel Distributed Fog-Based Networked Architecture to Preserve Energy in Fog Data Centers
2017 Pooranian, Z.; Shojafar, M.; Naranjo, P. G. V.; Chiaraviglio, L.; Conti, M.
ALATO: An efficient intelligent algorithm for time optimization in an economic grid based on adaptive stochastic Petri net
2015 Shojafar, Mohammad; Pooranian, Zahra; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza; Singhal, Mukesh
An efficient and distributed file search in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
2013 Shojafar, Mohammad; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Delkhah, Zia; Ahmadi, Ali; Pooranian, Zahra; Abraham, Ajith
An efficient meta-heuristic algorithm for grid computing
2015 Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Abraham, Ajith
An efficient scheduling method for grid systems based on a hierarchical stochastic petri net
2013 Shojafar, Mohammad; Pooranian, Zahra; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Meybodi, Mohammad Reza
FLAPS: bandwidth and delay-efficient distributed data searching in Fog-supported P2P content delivery networks
2017 Shojafar, Mohammad; Pooranian, Zahra; Naranjo, Paola G. Vinueza; Baccarelli, Enzo
FOCAN: A Fog-supported smart city network architecture for management of applications in the Internet of Everything environments
2018 Naranjo, Paola G. Vinueza; Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Conti, Mauro; Buyya, Rajkumar
New hybrid algorithm for task scheduling in grid computing to decrease missed task
2011 Pooranian, Z.; Harounabadi, A.; Shojafar, M.; Hedayat, N.
P-SEP: a prolong stable election routing algorithm for energy-limited heterogeneous fog-supported wireless sensor networks
2017 Naranjo, Paola G. Vinueza; Shojafar, Mohammad; Mostafaei, Habib; Pooranian, Zahra; Baccarelli, Enzo
RARE: Defeating side channels based on data-deduplication in cloud storage
2018 Pooranian, Z.; Chen, K. -C.; Yu, C. -M.; Conti, M.
Scheduling distributed energy resource operation and daily power consumption for a smart building to optimize economic and environmental parameters
2018 Pooranian, Zahra; Abawajy, Jemal H.; Vinod, P.; Conti, Mauro
Using imperialist competition algorithm for independent task scheduling in grid computing
2014 Pooranian, Zahra; Shojafar, Mohammad; Javadi, Bahman; Abraham, Ajith
Weighted PCA for improving Document Image Retrieval System based on keyword spotting accuracy
2013 Tavoli, Reza; Kozegar, Ehsan; Shojafar, Mohammad; Soleimani, Hossein; Pooranian, Zahra