Università di Padova
Cardiopulmonary exercise response at high altitude in patients with congenital heart disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2024 Vecchiato, M.; Duregon, F.; Borasio, N.; Faggian, S.; Bassanello, V.; Aghi, A.; Palermi, S.; Degano, G.; Battista, F.; Ermolao, A.; Neunhaeuserer, D.
Comparison of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Prediction Equations and Generation of New Predictive Model for Patients with Obesity
2024 Vecchiato, M.; Aghi, A.; Nerini, R.; Borasio, N.; Gasperetti, A.; Quinto, G.; Battista, F.; Bettini, S.; Di Vincenzo, A.; Ermolao, A.; Busetto, L.; Neunhaeuserer, D.
Correspondence regarding "Ventilatory efficiency in athletes, asthma and obesity": different ventilatory phenotypes during exercise in obesity?
2022 Borasio, Nicola; Vecchiato, Marco; Quinto, Giulia; Battista, Francesca; Neunhaeuserer, Daniel; Ermolao, Andrea
Sport climbing performance determinants and functional testing methods: A systematic review
2024 Faggian, Sara; Borasio, Nicola; Vecchiato, Marco; Gatterer, Hannes; Burtscher, Martin; Battista, Francesca; Brunner, Hannes; Quinto, Giulia; Duregon, Federica; Ermolao, Andrea; Neunhaeuserer, Daniel
The Fragmented QRS Complex in Lead V1: Time for an Update of the Athlete’s ECG?
2023 Vecchiato, M.; Quinto, G.; Borasio, N.; Palermi, S.; Berton, G.; Battista, F.; Gasperetti, A.; Ermolao, A.; Neunhaeuserer, D.
Ventilatory Response at Rest and During Maximal Exercise Testing in Patients with Severe Obesity Before and After Sleeve Gastrectomy
2020 Borasio, N.; Neunhaeuserer, D.; Gasperetti, A.; Favero, C.; Baioccato, V.; Bergamin, M.; Busetto, L.; Foletto, M.; Vettor, R.; Ermolao, A.