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[New frontiers in pacing: from myocardial pacing to conduction system pacing] 2024 Migliore, FedericoPittorru, RaimondoZanon, Francesco + GIORNALE ITALIANO DI CARDIOLOGIA - -
Hydrometeorological and hydrological analysis for the Nov 1, 2010 flood event in North-eastern Italy 2011 MARRA, FRANCESCOZANON, FRANCESCOPENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAZOCCATELLI, DAVIDE + - - abstracts of 2011 EGU General Assembly
Hydrometeorological and hydrological analysis for the Nov 1, 2010 flood event in North-eastern Italy 2011 MARRA, FRANCESCOZANON, FRANCESCOPENNA, DANIELEMANTESE, NICOLAZOCCATELLI, DAVIDECAVALLI, MARCOMARCHI, LORENZO + - - -
Impact of storm motion and its interaction with the drainage basin properties on selected extreme flash floods in the Mediterranean area 2011 ZOCCATELLI, DAVIDEMARRA, FRANCESCOZANON, FRANCESCO - - -
Inadvertent 3830 pacing lead placement in the left ventricle through an atrial septal defect in a congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries patient: a multidisciplinary approach 2024 Migliore, FedericoPittorru, RaimondoPradegan, NicolaZanon, FrancescoGerosa, GinoTarantini, Giuseppe + JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - -
Intermuscular Two-Incision Technique for Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation: Results from a Multicenter Registry 2017 MIGLIORE, FEDERICOCALZOLARI, VITTORIOZANON, FRANCESCOZORZI, ALESSANDROILICETO, SABINOBERTAGLIA, EMANUELE + PACING AND CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - -
Multicentre experience with the second-generation subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator and the intermuscular two-incision implantation technique 2019 Migliore, FedericoMattesi, GiuliaDe Franceschi, PietroFantinel, MauroFabris, TommasoDe Lazzari, ManuelZanon, FrancescoSiciliano, MariachiaraCorrado, DomenicoIliceto, SabinoZecchin, Massimo + JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - -
Prevalence of conduction delay of the right atrium in patients with SSS: Implications for pacing site selection 2007 Zanon, FrancescoBertaglia, EmanueleBaccillieri, Maria Stella + JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE - -
Radar Hydrology and Flash Flood Event Analysis 2010 Zanon, Francesco - - -
Radar rainfall estimation for a post-flash flood analysis: radome attenuation and the application of the mountain reference technique at C-band frequency 2010 MARRA, FRANCESCOBORGA, MARCOZANON, FRANCESCO + - - abstracts of 2010 EGU General Assembly
Transvenous extraction of conduction system pacing leads: An international multicenter (TECSPAM) study 2024 Migliore, FedericoZanon, FrancescoPittorru, Raimondo + HEART RHYTHM - -
Transvenous lead extraction of lumenless 3830 pacing lead in conduction system pacing: a single-center experience 2023 Migliore, FedericoPittorru, RaimondoGerosa, GinoZanon, Francesco + JOURNAL OF INTERVENTIONAL CARDIAC ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY - -