Nawn, Graeme

Nawn, Graeme  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
[Nafion/(WO3)x] hybrid membranes for vanadium redox flow batteries 2018 Sun, ChuanyuZlotorowicz, AgnieszkaNawn, GraemeNegro, EnricoBertasi, FedericoPagot, GioeleVezzù, KetiPace, GiuseppeGuarnieri, MassimoDi Noto, Vito SOLID STATE IONICS - -
A Polyketone-based Anion Exchange Membrane for Electrochemical Applications: Synthesis and Characterization 2017 VEZZU', KETINawn, GraemePACE, GIUSEPPECAVINATO, GIANNIDI NOTO, VITO + ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Correlation between Properties and Conductivity Mechanism in Poly(vinyl alcohol)-based Lithium Solid Electrolytes 2018 Pagot, GioeleBertasi, FedericoVezzù, KetiNawn, GraemePace, GiuseppeNale, AngeloclaudioDi Noto, Vito SOLID STATE IONICS - -
Effect of Graphite and Copper Oxide on the Performance of High Potential Li[Fe1/3Ni1/3Co1/3]PO4 Olivine Cathodes for Lithium Batteries 2017 PAGOT, GIOELEBERTASI, FEDERICONawn, GraemeNEGRO, ENRICOBACH DELPEUCH, ANTOINE JOACHIM CHARLESVEZZU', KETIDI NOTO, VITO + ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Electric Response and Conductivity Mechanism in H3PO4-Doped Polybenzimidazole-4N-HfO2 Nanocomposite Membranes for High Temperature Fuel Cells 2017 Nawn, GraemeVEZZU', KETIBERTASI, FEDERICOPAGOT, GIOELEPACE, GIUSEPPECONTI, FOSCANEGRO, ENRICODI NOTO, VITO ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Electric Response and Conductivity Mechanism of Blended Polyvinylidene Fluoride/Nafion Electrospun Nanofibers 2020 Vezzù, KetiNawn, GraemeNegro, EnricoCrivellaro, GiovanniDi Noto, Vito + JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY - -
Electric response and conductivity mechanism reciprocity in H⁠3PO⁠4-doped polybenzimidazole-4N-ZrO⁠2 nanocomposite membranes 2018 Graeme Nawn⁠Keti VezzùFederico Bertasi⁠Gioele Pagot⁠Giuseppe Pacefosca contiEnrico NegroVito Di Noto SOLID STATE IONICS - -
Fe-carbon nitride “Core-shell” electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction 2016 VEZZU', KETIBACH DELPEUCH, ANTOINE JOACHIM CHARLESNEGRO, ENRICONawn, GraemeBERTASI, FEDERICOPAGOT, GIOELEDI NOTO, VITO + ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Graphene-Supported Au-Ni Carbon Nitride Electrocatalysts for the ORR in Alkaline Environment 2016 NEGRO, ENRICOVEZZU', KETIBERTASI, FEDERICONawn, GraemePAGOT, GIOELEDI NOTO, VITO + ECS TRANSACTIONS - -
High-Performance Olivine for Lithium Batteries: Effects of Ni/Co Doping on the Properties of LiFeαNiβCoγPO4 Cathodes 2015 PAGOT, GIOELEBERTASI, FEDERICONawn, GraemeNEGRO, ENRICOCARRARO, GIORGIOBARRECA, DAVIDEMACCATO, CHIARADI NOTO, VITO + ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS - -
Interplay between Composition, Structure, and Properties of New H3PO4-Doped PBI4N–HfO2Nanocomposite Membranes for High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells 2015 Nawn, GraemePACE, GIUSEPPELAVINA, SANDRAVEZZU', KETINEGRO, ENRICOBERTASI, FEDERICODI NOTO, VITO + MACROMOLECULES - -
Interplay between solid state transitions, conductivity mechanism, and electrical relaxations in a [PVBTMA] [Br] -b-PMB diblock copolymer membrane for electrochemical applications 2015 DI NOTO, VITOVEZZU', KETINawn, GraemeBERTASI, FEDERICO + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -
Interplay Between Structure and Conductivity in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate/(δ-MgCl2)f Electrolytes for Magnesium Batteries 2016 BERTASI, FEDERICOVEZZU', KETINawn, GraemePAGOT, GIOELEDI NOTO, VITO ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Nanocomposite Membranes based on Polybenzimidazole and ZrO2 for High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells 2015 Nawn, GraemeLAVINA, SANDRAVEZZU', KETINEGRO, ENRICOBERTASI, FEDERICODI NOTO, VITO + CHEMSUSCHEM - -
Opening Doors to Future Electrochemical Energy Devices: The Anion-Conducting Polyketone Polyelectrolytes 2018 Nawn, GraemeVezzù, KetiCavinato, GianniPace, GiuseppeBertasi, FedericoPagot, GioeleNegro, EnricoDi Noto, Vito ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS - -
Origins, developments, and perspectives of carbon nitride-based electrocatalysts for application in low-temperature FCs 2015 DI NOTO, VITONEGRO, ENRICOVEZZU', KETIBERTASI, FEDERICONawn, Graeme THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY INTERFACE - -
Relaxation phenomena and conductivity mechanisms in anion-exchange membranes derived from polyketone 2019 Keti VezzùGraeme NawnGioele PagotEnrico NegroAngeloclaudio NaleYannick Herve BangFosca ContiGianni CavinatoVito Di Noto ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Reorientational relaxation and hydrogen bonding in mixtures of water and methanol 2018 Vezzu KetiNegro EnricoBertasi FedericoConti FoscaNawn GraemeDi Noto Vito + JOURNAL OF THE ELECTROCHEMICAL SOCIETY - -
Single-Ion-Conducting Nanocomposite Polymer Electrolytes for Lithium Batteries Based on Lithiated-Fluorinated-Iron Oxide and Poly(ethylene glycol) 400 2015 BERTASI, FEDERICONEGRO, ENRICOVEZZU', KETINawn, GraemePAGOT, GIOELEDI NOTO, VITO ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA - -
Structural Analyses of Blended Nafion/PVDF Electrospun Nanofibers 2019 Nawn, GraemeVezzu', KetiNegro, EnricoCavinato, GianniDi Noto, VitoPINTAURO, PETER NICHOLAS + PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS - -