Comparison between two preventive treatments for hyperketonaemia carried out pre-partum: Effects on non-esterified fatty acids, β-hydroxybutyrate and some biochemical parameters during peripartum and early lactation
2021 Fiore, E.; Perillo, L.; Gianesella, M.; Giannetto, C.; Giudice, E.; Piccione, G.; Morgante, M.
Detection of digital and interdigital dermatitis in holstein friesian dairy cows by means of infrared thermography
2020 Fabbri, G.; Fiore, E.; Piccione, G.; Giudice, E.; Gianesella, M.; Morgante, M.; Armato, L.; Bonato, O.; Giambelluca, S.; Arfuso, F.
Evaluation of yeast supplementation in steers housed under suitable temperature–humidity index
2019 Piccione, G.; Badon, T.; Bedin, S.; Giannetto, C.; Morgante, M.; Giudice, E.; Gianesella, M.; Fiore, E.
Infrared methodologies for the assessment of skin temperature daily rhythm in two domestic mammalian species
2020 Giannetto, C.; Arfuso, F.; Giudice, E.; Gianesella, M.; Fazio, F.; Panzera, M.; Piccione, G.
Serum haptoglobin and protein electrophoretic fraction modifications in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) around calving and during early lactation
2019 Gianesella, M.; Fiore, E.; Arfuso, F.; Vecchio, D.; Curone, G.; Morgante, M.; Mazzotta, E.; Badon, T.; Rossi, P.; Bedin, S.; Zumbo, A.; Piccione, Giuseppe