Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
2nd Agrogeophysics seminar 2022 Alberto CarreraMirko PavoniIlaria PiccoliJacopo BoagaGiorgio CassianiFrancesco Morari - - 2nd Agrogeophysics seminar – Bruxelles 11 March 2022
A Bayesian belief network framework to predict SOC dynamics of alternative management scenarios 2018 Dal Ferro, N.Morari, F. + SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH - -
A Bayesian Belief Network framework to predict SOC stock change: the Veneto region (Italy) case study 2017 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts
A comparison of 2D and 3D approach for quantifying the pore size distribution in soil aggregates 2012 DAL FERRO, NICOLAMORARI, FRANCESCO - - USer Meeting 2012 Abstract Book
A farm scale evaluation of variable rate application (VRA) for improving liquid digestate agronomic performances 2021 Grillo F.Piccoli I.Morari F. + - - Precision agriculture ’21
A farm-scale sustainability assessment of the anaerobic digestate application methods 2023 Piccoli, ILongo, MMorari, F + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGRONOMY - -
A model-GIS platform to globally assess the environmental impact of European agri-environmental schemes. 2019 LONGO, MATTEONicola Dal FerroFrancesco Morari + - - Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-5549, 2019
A Novel Technique to Mitigate Saltwater Intrusion: Freshwater Recharge via Drainpipe in Permeable Paleochannels 2024 Morari, FrancescoPiccoli, IlariaCarrera, AlbertoZoccarato, ClaudiaTeatini, Pietro + HYDROLOGICAL PROCESSES - -
A participatory approach to combat the decline of soil organic matter in croplands 2018 dal ferro, nicolacamarotto, carlopiccoli, ilariaberti, antoniomorari, francesco + - - Soil Security and Planetary Health Conference
A study on the oenological potentiality of the territory of a cooperative winery in Valpolicella (Italy) 2008 MORARI, FRANCESCOPITACCO, ANDREA + - - VII INTERNATIONAL TERROIR CONGRESS
A Two-Year Study on Use of NDVI Index as Indicator of Nutritional Status in Durum Wheat 2013 PIRAGNOLO, DAVIDEZANELLA, VALENTINALODDO, STEFANOMORARI, FRANCESCOGASPARINI, FRANCOSARTORI, LUIGIBERTI, ANTONIOMOSCA, GIULIANO - - Atti del XLII Convegno della Società Italiana di Agronomia
Advantages of multi-region kriging over bi-region techniques for computed tomography-scan segmentation 2019 Dal Ferro N.Morari F.Piccoli I. + SOIL RESEARCH - -
Aggregates dynamic in contrasting soils with different fertilisations and role of humic carbon as binding agent 2009 NARDI, SERENELLABERTI, ANTONIOMORARI, FRANCESCO + - - European Geoscience Union General assembly 2009
Agricoltura conservativa - 8 anni di esperienze in Veneto 2019 Francesco MorariIlaria PiccoliMaurizio G. PaolettiLuigi Sartori + - - -
Agricoltura conservativa, vantaggi agronomici e criticità. ANALISI DEI RISULTATI OTTENUTI DOPO 8 ANNI DI SPERIMENTAZIONE IN VENETO 2021 F. MorariI. PiccoliC. CamarottoL. SartoriD. Loddo + L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Agricoltura di precisione: la mappatura della variabilità spaziale in grano duro 2014 MORARI, FRANCESCOSARTORI, LUIGIBERTI, ANTONIOBERZAGHI, PAOLOMOSCA, GIULIANO + - - ANNALI ACCADEMIA NAZIONALE DI AGRICOLTURA
Agricultural Land Use and N losses to water: the case study of a fluvial park in Northern Italy 2002 MORARI, FRANCESCOBORIN, MAURIZIO + - - -
Agricultural Land Use And N Losses To Water: The Case Study Of A Fluvial Park In Northern Italy 2003 MORARI, FRANCESCOLUGATO, EMANUELEBORIN, MAURIZIO WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - -
AGRIGNSS, l’agricoltura di precisione al servizio della fertilizzazione a dose variabile 2020 Stefano GobboMassimiliano De Antoni MiglioratiFrancesco MorariFranco GaspariniLorenzo FurlanLuigi Sartori + L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Agro-environmental evaluation of alternative farm management systems following the european community reform of agricultural policy. 1995 MORARI, FRANCESCO + - - Proc. Fourth Conference on Food, Agriculture and the Environment