Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF
Appendix A. Supplementary data of "Intermediary Organisations in Collaborative Environmental Governance: evidence of the EU-funded LIFE Sub-Programme for the Environment (LIFE-ENV)"
2020 Pisani, Elena; Andriollo, Elena
Application of the DPSIR and Social-Ecological Network Frameworks to analyse social-ecological relationships in AFOLU activities addressed by the LIFE Programme.
2021 Andriollo, Elena; Caimo, Alberto; Secco, Laura; Pisani, Elena
Collaborations in Environmental Initiatives for an Effective “Adaptive Governance” of Social–Ecological Systems: What Existing Literature Suggests
2021 Andriollo, Elena; Caimo, Alberto; Secco, Laura; Pisani, Elena
Connections in Climate Change. A Network Analysis of the EU-funded LIFE Sub-Programme for Climate Action
2020 Pisani, Elena; Andriollo, Elena; Solivo, Sara
Connections in Climate Change. A Network Analysis of the EU-funded LIFE Sub-Programme for Climate Action in the Mediterranean Basin. (PPT Presentation)
2020 Andriollo, Elena
Exploring synergies in the collaborative governance of European forests supported by the EU-funded LIFE Programme
2022 Andriollo, Elena; Caimo, Alberto; Secco, Laura; Pisani, Elena
Il ruolo degli enti di gestione delle aree protette nella governance ambientale collaborativa per la biodiversità in Italia supportata dal Programma europeo LIFE 2014-2020.
2021 Andriollo, Elena; Pisani, Elena; Secco, Laura; Caimo, Alberto; Rigo, Alessandra
Intermediary Organisations in Collaborative Environmental Governance: evidence of the EU-funded LIFE Sub-Programme for the Environment (LIFE-ENV)
2020 Pisani, E.; Andriollo, E.; Masiero, M.; Secco, L.
Intermediary Organizations in Nature Conservation Initiatives: The Case of the EU-Funded LIFE Programme
2022 Rigo, A; Andriollo, E; Pisani, E
Multi-level collaborations in the European climate governance: a network analysis of LIFE projects partnerships.
2022 Andriollo, Elena; Cappi, Eleonora; Pisani, Elena
Probabilistic network analysis of social-ecological relationships emerging from EU LIFE projects for nature and biodiversity: An application of ERGM models in the case study of the Veneto region (Italy)
2023 Andriollo, Elena; Secco, Laura; Caimo, Alberto; Pisani, Elena
Relational attributes in social ecological systems fostering the transition towards a bio‐based economy: insights and operative indications
2020 Andriollo, Elena; Pisani, Elena; Secco, Laura; Caimo, Alberto
Relational attributes in Social – Ecological Systems fostering the transition towards a bio-based economy: Insights and Operative Indications (PPT Presentation)
2020 Andriollo, Elena
SOCIETÀ ED ECOLOGIA IN UNIONE EUROPEA: la valutazione della governance ambientale collaborative del Programma LIFE attraverso un approccio di rete
2023 Andriollo, Elena