Gigante, Melania
Gigante, Melania
Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica (DBC)
Among the Greeks, Among the Natives: Strontium isotopic ratio analysis of human odontoskeletal remains from Pithekoussai, Ischia (S Italy)
2016 Gigante, M.; Warter, V.; Müller, W.; Sperduti, A.; Bondioli., L.
Analisi tafonomica dei resti inumati nella necropoli nord-occidentale di Nora: archeotanatologia e archeologia virtuale
2022 Ruberti, Noemi; Gigante, Melania; Mazzariol, Alessandro
Anthropological Evidence of Multi-Ethnicity in the First Greek Settlement in Italy. Strontium Isotopic Analysis of the Skeletal Sample from the Necropolis of Pithekoussai, (Ischia VIII Cent. BCE - III Cent. CE)
2017 Gigante, M.; Warter, V.; Müller, W.; Sperduti, A.; Bondioli, L
Bioarchaeological analysis of the human skeletal and dental remains from the Phoenician and Punic necropolis of Nora (Sardinia, Italy)
2024 Gigante, M.; Mazzariol, A.; Ruberti, N.; Lugli, F.
Continuity or discontinuity? Social and biocultural identities at the La Cona cemetery (9th cent. BCE-1st cent. CE, Teramo, Italy),
2022 Gigante, M.; Peripoli, B.; Trevisan, M.
Counting babies in Italian ancient grave. The complex relationship between morbidity, mortality and funerary rituals
2019 Sperduti, A.; Bondioli, L.; Braconi, M.; D’Agostino, B.; Gastaldi, P.; Gigante, M.; Interlando, S.; Facchin, G.; Faiella, I.; Fiore, I.; Migliorati, L.; Pellegrino, C.; Rizzo, C.
Demographic and mobility trends at Pithekoussai between 8th and 6th centuries BCE. Skeletal and isotopic evidence.
2019 Gigante, M.; Sperduti, A.; Alhaique, F.; Fiore, I.; Cinquantaquattro, T. E.; Müller, W.; Bondioli, L.
Di alcune sepolture della necropoli di Pithekoussai, isola di Ischia, Napoli. Analisi preliminare dei resti odontoscheletrici umani di VIII-VII sec. a.C. dagli scavi Buchner 1965.1967
2016 Gigante, M.; Bondioli, L.; Sperduti, A.
Euboeans and Natives: paleodemography and residential mobility at Pithekoussai (8th-6th century BCE),
In corso di stampa Gigante, M.; Sperduti, A.; Müller, W.; Bondioli, L.
Evidence of pathological conditions and ritual post-mortem manipulation of human remains from the prehistoric cemetery of Udegram (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan, 1200-800 BCE)
2022 Capasso, G.; Gigante, M.; Pulcini, M. L.; Vidale, M.
Exploring prenatal and neonatal life history through dental histology in infants from the Phoenician necropolis of Motya (7th–6th century BCE)
2023 Peripoli, Beatrice; Gigante, Melania; Mahoney, Patrick; Mcfarlane, Gina; Coppa, Alfredo; Lugli, Federico; Lauria, Gabriele; Bondioli, Luca; Sconzo, Paola; Sineo, Luca; Nava, Alessia
Fracture Healing at the Punic time: a case study from the necropolis of Nora (South Sardinia)
2022 Gigante, M.; Ruberti, N.; Morbiato, C.; BECK DE LOTTO, M.
Funerary rituals at the Phoenician necropolis of Nora (CA, Sardinia): a few preliminary observations.
In corso di stampa Mazzariol, A.; Gigante, M.
I loved you until the end. The anthropological study of the mother-foetus burials: the case study of the pregnant woman from the Pithekoussai’s cremations (8th-6th cent. BCE)
2017 Gigante, Melania
I reperti odontoscheletrici umani dalle tombe a cremazione e a inumazione della necropoli fenicia e punica di Nora: note preliminari
2022 Gigante, Melania; Ruberti, Noemi
Intense community dynamics in the pre-Roman frontier site of Fermo (ninth to fifth century BCE, Marche,central Italy) inferred from isotopic data
2023 Esposito, C.; Gigante, M.; Lugli, F.; Miranda, P.; Cavazzuti, C.; Sperduti, A.; Pacciarelli, M.; Stoddart, S.; Reimer, P.; Malone, C.; Bondioli, L.; M(\,
Isotopic evidence of human mobility in skeletal and dental remains from the necropolis of Misericordia and Mossa at Fermo (Ancona, Italy)
2019 Esposito, C.; Bondiol, I. L.; Gigante, M.; Malone, C.; Miranda, P.; Müller, W.; Pacciarelli, M.; Reimer, P.; Sperduti, A
Machine learning-based Sr isoscape of southern Sardinia: A tool for bio-geographic studies at the Phoenician-Punic site of Nora
2023 Gigante, Melania; Mazzariol, Alessandro; Bonetto, Jacopo; Armaroli, Elena; Cipriani, Anna; Lugli, Federico
Preliminary analysis of the skeletal and dental remains from Pithekoussai II, Ischia Island (Naples)
2015 Gigante, M.; Warter, V.; Müller, W.; Bondioli, L.
Punic foodways at Nora (Sardinia, Italy): stable isotope analysis for the study of ancient diet in a punic population
2023 Ruberti, N.; Madgwick, R.; Esposito, C.; Nedergragt, A.; Mazzariol, A.; Bonetto, J.; Gigante, M.