Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica (DBC)
A mysterious little piece: a compound-weave textile incorporating sea silk from the Natural History Museum, London
2019 Maeder, Felicitas; Walton-Rogers, Penelope; Gleba, Margarita
A Roman lamp with remains of a wick from the necropolis of Gazzo Veronese (Verona), Italy
2018 Basso, Patrizia; Gleba, Margarita
Analisi preliminare dei tessuti della Tomba dell’Aryballos sospeso
2016 Gleba, Margarita
Analisi preliminari e ipotesi ricostruttiva del bordo a tavolette rinvenuto al Sasso di Furbara: nuove prospettive di studio
2019 Serges, Alessandra; Pizzuti, Ettore; Gleba, Margarita
Appendix on textile remains
2024 Gleba, M.; Cutler, L.; Moraïtou, G
Approcci analitici allo studio dei tessuti
2021 Gleba, Margarita
2018 Gleba, Margarita; Vakirtzi, Sophia
Archaeology in Etruria 1995–2002
2003 Gleba, Margarita
Archaeology in Etruria 2003–2009
2009 Gleba, Margarita
Book review of G. S. Aldrete, S. Bartell and A. Aldrete (2012) Reconstructing Ancient Linen Body Armor: Unraveling the Linothorax Mystery. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press,
2015 Gleba, Margarita
Book review of M. Harlow, C. Michel and M.-L. Nosch, Prehistoric, Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Textiles and Dress: An Interdisciplinary Anthology, Oxbow Books: Oxford and Oakville, 2015
2016 Gleba, Margarita
Book review of M. Siennicka, L. Rahmstorf and A. Ulanowska, First Textiles. The Beginings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean, Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books
2022 Gleba, Margarita
Bronze Age moss fibre garments from Scotland – the jury’s out
2015 Harris, Susanna; Gleba, Margarita
Chapter 15: The weaving equipment
2024 Cutler, Joanne; Whitelaw, Todd; Gleba, Margarita
Characterising the potential of sheep wool for ancient DNA analyses
2011 Ørsted Brandt, Luise; Diana Tranekjer, Lena; Mannering, Ulla; Ringgaard, Maj; Margarita Frei, Karin; Willerslev, Eske; Gleba, Margarita; Gilbert, M. Thomas P.
Chasing Gold Threads: Auratae vestes from Hellenistic rulers to Varangian Guards
2013 Gleba, Margarita
Classical textile remains in the British Museum Collection”
2016 Cutler, Joanne; Gleba, Margarita
Cloth worth a King’s Ransom: textile circulation and transmission of textile craft in the ancient Mediterranean
2014 Margarita, Gleba
Colouring the Mediterranean: production and consumption of purple-dyed textiles in Pre-Roman times
2018 Marín-Aguilera, Beatriz; Iacono, Francesco; Gleba, Margarita
Communicating Identity in Italic Iron Age Communities
2011 Gleba, Margarita; Horsnaes, Helle