Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali - SPGI  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 47 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.036 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Catanzaro centrodestra in vantaggio ma la partita non è ancora chiusa 2017 Marino, Bruno - - La rinascita del centrodestra? Le elezioni comunali 2017
A Ragusa il M5S smarrisce la sua trasversalità e perde il comune 2018 Marino, Bruno + - - Goodbye Zona Rossa. Il successo del centrodestra nelle comunali 2018
Candidate Selection, Personalization and Different Logics of Centralization in New Southern European Populism: The Cases of Podemos and the M5S 2022 Caiani, ManuelaMarino, Bruno + GOVERNMENT AND OPPOSITION - -
Candidate selection, personalization of politics, and political careers: Insights from Italy (2006-2016) 2021 Marino, Bruno + - - New Paths for Selecting Political Elites
Comunali 2016, chi sale e chi scende nelle grandi città 2016 Marino, Bruno + - - Cosa succede in città? Le elezioni comunali 2016
Comunali 2016, l’analisi dell’offerta politica nei comuni capoluogo 2016 Marino, Bruno + - - Cosa succede in città? Le elezioni comunali 2016
Crollano i Liberali in Germania e nel Regno Unito, l’ALDE arretra 2014 Marino, Bruno - - Le Elezioni Europee 2014
Dataset of Electoral Volatility in the European Parliament elections since 1979 2019 Marino B + - - -
Dataset of ideological polarization in Western Europe 2023 Marino B + - - -
Europarties’ choices—Who are the candidates for the presidency of the European Commission and how have they been selected? 2014 Marino, Bruno - - The European Parliament Elections of 2014
Follow the candidates, not the parties? Personal vote in a regional de-institutionalised party system 2016 Marino, Bruno + REGIONAL AND FEDERAL STUDIES - -
Follow the Candidates, Not the Parties? Personal Vote in a Regional De-institutionalized Party System 2016 Marino, Bruno + REGIONAL AND FEDERAL STUDIES - -
From demolition to re-composition? The 2018 Italian Lower House MPs and their careers: novelty and continuity 2018 Marino, Bruno + ITALIAN POLITICAL SCIENCE - -
Gaining votes in Europe against Europe? How national contexts shaped the results of Eurosceptic parties in the 2014 European parliament elections 2016 Marino, Bruno + JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN RESEARCH - -
Gaining Votes in Europe against Europe? How National Contexts Shaped the Results of Eurosceptic Parties in the 2014 European Parliament Elections 2016 Marino, Bruno + JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY EUROPEAN RESEARCH - -
German and UK’s Liberals collapse and ALDE loses ground 2014 Marino, Bruno - - The European Parliament Elections of 2014
Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility in electorally turbulent times 2023 Marino B. + WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS - -
Going technocratic? Diluting governing responsibility in electorally turbulent times 2022 Marino, BrunoVerzichelli, Luca + WEST EUROPEAN POLITICS - -
Il gruppo dell’ALDE: un inevitabile ridimensionamento? 2014 Marino, Bruno - - Le Elezioni Europee 2014
Il voto nei circoli: una messa con sempre meno fedeli 2019 Marino, Bruno + - - L'elezione di Zingaretti : la rivincita del partito?