Dipartimento di Geoscienze
A width-based approach to estimating historical changes in coarse sediment fluxes at river reach and network scales
2022 Brenna, A; Bizzi, S; Surian, N
Alteration of gravel-bed river morphodynamics in response to multiple anthropogenic disturbances: Insights from the sediment-starved Parma River (northern Italy)
2021 Brenna, A.; Surian, N.; Mao, L.
Coarse sediment mobility and fluxes in wide mountain streams: Insights using the virtual velocity approach
2023 Brenna, A.; Surian, N.
Estimate of bed material transport in large gravel-bed rivers using the virtual velocity approach and the morphological method
2018 Brenna, Andrea
How multiple anthropic pressures may lead to unplanned channel patterns: Insights from the evolutionary trajectory of the Po River (Italy)
2024 Brenna, Andrea; Bizzi, Simone; Surian, Nicola
Quantifying the Impact of Spatiotemporal Resolution on the Interpretation of Fluvial Geomorphic Feature Dynamics From Sentinel 2 Imagery: An Application on a Braided River Reach in Northern Italy
2023 Bozzolan, Elisa; Brenna, Andrea; Surian, Nicola; Carbonneau, Patrice; Bizzi, Simone
Response of A Gravel - Bed River To Dam Closure: Insights From Sediment Transport Processes And Channel Morphodynamics
2020 Brenna, A.; Surian, N.; Mao, L.
Sediment–water flows in mountain catchments: Insights into transport mechanisms as responses to high-magnitude hydrological events
2021 Brenna, A.; Marchi, L.; Borga, M.; Ghinassi, M.; Zaramella, M.; Surian, N.
Sediment–water flows in mountain streams: Recognition and classification based on field evidence
2020 Brenna, A.; Surian, N.; Ghinassi, M.; Marchi, L.
Survey of the vaia storm deposits in the tegnas catchment (Dolomites, Italy): Field data and evidence of sediment-water flow types
2020 Brenna, Andrea; Surian, Nicola; Ghinassi, Massimiliano; Marchi, Lorenzo
Virtual Velocity Approach for Estimating Bed Material Transport in Gravel-Bed Rivers: Key Factors and Significance
2019 Brenna, Andrea; Surian, N.; Mao, L.
What drives major channel widening in mountain rivers during floods? The role of debris floods during a high-magnitude event
2023 Brenna, A.; Marchi, L.; Borga, M.; Zaramella, M.; Surian, N.