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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Analysis of the AISI 316 stainless steel sheet response to sub-zero deformation temperatures 2023 Bruschi S.Simonetto E.Pigato M.Ghiotti A.Bertolini R. MANUFACTURING LETTERS - -
Development of Thermomechanical Processes as an Alternative to Grain Refiners in 18 Carat Gold Alloys 2021 Pigato, MirkoPezzato, LucaCason, ClaudioDabalà, Manuele JOURNAL OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING AND PERFORMANCE - -
Effect of Different Austempering Heat Treatments on Corrosion Properties of High Silicon Steel 2021 Mattia FranceschiLuca PezzatoAlessio Giorgio SettimiClaudio GennariMirko PigatoKatya BrunelliManuele Dabalà + MATERIALS - -
Effect of open die forging and cooling rate on the precipitation of secondary phases and corrosion properties of a cast UNS S32760 super duplex stainless steel In corso di stampa Pitacco, E.Pigato, M.Bertolini, R.Ghinatti, E.Pezzato, L.Gennari, C.Calliari, I. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY - -
Electroplastic Effect during Tension and Bending in Duplex Stainless Steel 2023 Pigato, MirkoGennari, ClaudioCalliari, Irene + MATERIALS - -
Microstructural and Corrosion Properties of Hydroxyapatite Containing PEO Coating Produced on AZ31 Mg Alloy 2021 Pezzato, LucaBrunelli, KatyaDiodati, StefanoPigato, MirkoBonesso, MassimilianoDabalà, Manuele MATERIALS - -
Sviluppo di processi termomeccanici in sostituzione agli affinatori di grano in leghe d'oro 14 carati 2021 Mirko PigatoLuca PezzatoClaudio CasonManuele Dabalà LA METALLURGIA ITALIANA - -