Dipartimento di Scienze Cardio-Toraco-Vascolari e Sanita' Pubblica  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A longitudinal study for investigating the exposure level of anesthetics that impairs neurobehavioral performance. 2008 SCAPELLATO, MARIA LUISAMASTRANGELO, GIUSEPPEFEDELI, UGOCARRIERI, MARIELLAMACCA', ISABELLASCOIZZATO, LUCABARTOLUCCI, GIOVANNI BATTISTA NEUROTOXICOLOGY - -
A worksite intervention to reduce the cardiovascular risk: proposal of a study design easy to integrate within Italian organization of occupational health surveillance 2015 Mastrangelo GiuseppeFADDA, EMANUELACEGOLON, LUCABORTOLOTTO, MELANIAFEDELI, UGO + BMC PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Accuracy and reproducibility of pleural effusion cytology. 2008 FASSINA, AMBROGIOFEDELI, UGOFABBRIS, LUIGI + LEGAL MEDICINE - -
Assessment of the INLA approach on gerarchic bayesian models for the spatial disease distribution: a real data application 2018 GIRARDI, PAOLOSilvia RizzatoUgo FedeliMassimo Rugge + - - Book of Short Papers SIS 2018
Association of physical activity trajectories with major cardiovascular diseases in elderly people 2022 Barbiellini Amidei C.Trevisan C.Maggi S.Baggio G.Fedeli U.Sergi G. + HEART - -
Cardiovascular risk profiles and 20-year mortality in older people: gender differences in the Pro.V.A. study 2021 Trevisan C.Fedeli U.Baggio G.Manzato E.Maggi S.Sergi G. + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF AGEING - -
Colorectal cancer screening: The surgery rates they are a-changing. A nationwide study on surgical resections in Italy 2018 Zorzi, ManuelGennaro, NicolaCapodaglio, GiuliaUrso, Emanuele Damiano LucaPucciarelli, SalvatoreRugge, MassimoFedeli, Ugo + DIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE - -
Dinamiche temporali della mortalità per asbestosi in coorti di lavoratori del cemento- amianto in Italia. 2019 Paolo GirardiDaniela FerranteUgo FedeliCorrado Magnani + - - Libro degli Abstract
Effectiveness and safety of oral anticoagulation with non-vitamin K antagonists compared to well-managed vitamin K antagonists in naïve patients with non-valvular atrial fibrillation: Propensity score matched cohort study 2017 Denas, GentianGennaro, NicolaFedeli, UgoZoppellaro, GiacomoPadayattil Jose, SeenaPengo, Vittorio + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY - -
Impact of breast cancer screening in a population with high spontaneous coverage with mammography 2018 CINQUETTI, SANDRORUSSO, FRANCESCARugge, MassimoFedeli, Ugo + TUMORI - -
Impact of fecal immunochemical test-based screening programs on proximal and distal colorectal cancer surgery rates: A natural multiple-baseline experiment 2015 Fedeli, UgoZorzi, ManuelUrso, Emanuele D. L.Gennaro, NicolaDei Tos, Angelo P. + CANCER - -
Impact of laparoscopic approach on the short-term outcomes of elderly patients with colorectal cancer: a nationwide Italian experience 2019 Barina, AndreaNARDELLI, MARCOGennaro, NicolaMarchegiani, FrancescoBasso, CristinaFedeli, UgoSpolverato, GayaPucciarelli, Salvatore + SURGICAL ENDOSCOPY - -
Impact of occupational exposures and genetic polymorphisms on recurrence and progression of non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer 2018 Pavanello, SofiaMastrangelo, GiuseppeFedeli, Ugo + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Impact on colorectal cancer mortality of screening programmes based on the faecal immunochemical test 2014 ZORZI, MANUELFEDELI, UGOSCHIEVANO, ELENAGUZZINATI, STEFANOTos, Angelo Paolo Dei + GUT - -
Increasing epilepsy-related mortality: A multiple causes of death study in Northern Italy 2022 Casotto V.Girardi P.Fedeli U. + SEIZURE - -
La mortalità degli addetti alla Compagnia Lavoratori Portuali (CLP) di Venezia e indici di esposizioni ad amianto 2019 Paolo GirardiMaria Nicoletta BallarinUgo Fedeli + - - Libro degli Abstract
Lung cancer risk in workers exposed to poly(vinyl chloride) dust: a nested case-referent study 2003 MASTRANGELO, GIUSEPPEFEDELI, UGOFADDA, EMANUELAPAVANELLO, SOFIA + OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE - -
Malignant Versus Benign Tumors of the Sinonasal Cavity: A Case-Control Study on Occupational Etiology 2018 Comiati, VeraCazzador, DiegoAlexandre, EnricoFedeli, UgoFrasson, GiulianaZanon, AlessiaMartini, AlessandroScapellato, Maria LuisaMastrangelo, Giuseppe + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH - -
Mitochondrial DNA copy number and exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons 2013 PAVANELLO, SOFIAFEDELI, UGO + CANCER EPIDEMIOLOGY BIOMARKERS & PREVENTION - -
Mortality from liver angiosarcoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and cirrhosis among vinyl chloride workers 2019 Fedeli, UgoGirardi, PaoloBALLARIN, MARIA NICOLETTABACCINI, MICHELACOMBA, PIETROMastrangelo, Giuseppe + AMERICAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE - -