Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
An Empirical Evidence on Future of Performance Measurement & Management (PMM)
2014 Nudurupati, Sai; Garengo, Patrizia; Bititci, Umit; Sardi, Alberto
Decision making and national culture: an empirical study of Italian, Indian and Moroccan SMEs.
2017 Garengo, Patrizia; Sardi, Alberto; Trotta, Dennis; Jardioui, Meriam
How decision making in Industry 4.0 environment is changing the management of human resources: an empirical study on manufacturing companies.
2017 Trotta, Dennis; Garengo, Patrizia; Sardi, Alberto
Human resource performance management in Multi-National Companies: a cross case analysis of leading organization.
2016 Sardi, Alberto; Garengo, Patrizia
Innovazione e gestione delle prestazioni nelle PMI venete: un modello per migliorare i risultati aziendali in un contesto di crisi economica globale
2014 Sardi, A.
Key managerial activities to support public performance measurement and management: The case of an effective Italian Court
2018 Sardi, A.; Garengo, P.; Betto, Frida
Misurazione delle performance
2018 Sardi, A.
Organizzazione, tecnologia e gestione delle prestazioni
2018 Sardi, A.
Pari Opportunità nel lavoro che cambia – Investiamo nell’occupazione al femminile. Organizzazione, tecnologia e gestione delle prestazioni.
2018 Sardi, A.
Performance Management in Innovative SMEs: the Key Role of the Social Media
2015 Sardi, Alberto; Garengo, Patrizia
2017 Sardi, Alberto
Performance Measurement and Management practices in SMEs: the key role of HRM
2018 Sardi, A.
Performance Measurement System in SME: The key role of Human Resource Management
2017 Sardi, Alberto; Garengo, Patrizia
Smart working: le tecnologie nei processi organizzativi del lavoro
2017 Sardi, A.
Social media and decision making process in SMEs: empirical studies of leading organizations.
2017 Sardi, Alberto; Trotta, Dennis; Garengo, Patrizia
The new generation of human resources and performance management
2016 Sardi, Alberto; Garengo, Patrizia; Bititci, Umit
The performance measurement in the public sector: a science mapping analysis
2018 Garengo, P.; Sardi, A.; Trotta, D.; Lorenzoni, A.
The Performance Measurement in the Public Sector: A systematic review
2018 Garengo, P.; Sardi, A.; Lorenzoni, A.