Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS
[Chronic subthalamus stimulation for the treatment of Parkinson's disease. Analysis of results by classes of symptoms and adverse effects]
2003 Landi, A; Antonini, A; Parolin, M; Grimaldi, M; Bassi, F; Iurlaro, S; Gaini, S M
[Evaluation of cerebral ischemia during carotid thromboendarterectomy operations]
1986 Massei, R; Beretta, L; Tomei, G; Bortolani, E; Cenzato, M; Fava, E; Landi, A; Meloni, G; Ducati, A
[Neurophysiologic evaluation in anesthesia and resuscitation]
1985 Trazzi, R; Massei, R; Lubatti, L; Bortolani, E; Fava, E; Landi, A; Cenzato, M; Ducati, A
A 5-year prospective assessment of advanced Parkinson disease patients treated with subcutaneous apomorphine infusion or deep brain stimulation
2011 Antonini, A; Isaias., I; Rodolfi, U.; Landi, A.; Natuzzi, A.; Siri, F.; Pezzoli, G.
A 5-Year Prospective Assessment of Advanced Parkinson's Disease Patients Treated with Subcutaneous Apomorphine Infusion or Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation
2010 Antonini, A; Isaias, Iu; Cilia, R; Landi, A
A case of childhood-onset dystonia-parkinsonism due to homozygous parkin mutations and effect of globus pallidus deep brain stimulation
2023 Garrì, Federica; Ciprietti, Dario; Lerjefors, Lisa; Landi, Andrea; Pilleri, Manuela; Biundo, Roberta; Salviati, Leonardo; Carecchio, Miryam; Antonini, Angelo
A case of resorbable mesh cranioplasty in infant, technical considerations, outcome and literature review
2020 Baro, Valentina; Landi, Andrea; Fusetti, Stefano; Anglani, Mariagiulia; D'Avella, Domenico; Denaro, Luca
A case of resorbable mesh cranioplasty in infant, technical considerations, outcome and literature review
2020 Baro, V.; Landi, A.; Fusetti, S.; Anglani, M.; D'Avella, D.; Denaro, L.
Accuracy of stereotactic localisation with magnetic resonance compared to CT scan: experimental findings
2001 Landi, A; Marina, R; Degrandi, C; Crespi, A; Montanari, G; Sganzerla, E P; Gaini, S M
Adverse effects and surgical complications in pediatric patients underging vagal nerve stimulation for drug-resistant epilepsy
2018 Trezza, A; Landi, A; Grioni, D; Pirillo, D; Fiori, L; Giussani, C; Sganzerla, Ep
Adverse effects and surgical complications in pediatric patients undergoing vagal nerve stimulation for drug reistant epilepsy
2018 Trezza, A; Landi, A; Grioni, D; Pirillo, D; Fiori, L; Giussani, C; Sganzerla, Ep
Adverse Effects and Surgical Complications in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Vagal Nerve Stimulation for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy.
2017 Trezza, A; Landi, A; Grioni, D; Pirillo, D; Giussani, C; Sganzerla, Ep
Adverse effects and surgical complications in pediatric patients who underwent vagus nerve stimulation for drug-reistant epilepsy.
2015 Landi, A; Trezza, A; Grioni, D; Giussani, C; Sganzerla, Ep
Aesthetic transaxillary subpectoral placement of vagus nerve stimulator in children and young adults: A technical note
2023 Melinda Furlanis, Giulia; FASCETTI LEON, Francesco; Bresolin, Nicola; Favaro, Jacopo; D’Amico, Alberto; Denaro, Luca; Sartori, Stefano; Landi, Andrea; Baro, Valentina
An experimental model of focal axonal injury in the guinea pig optic nerve
1988 Tomei, T; Spagnoli, D; Landi, A; Villani, R; Fumagalli, G; Sala, C; Gennarelli, Ta
Anatomical identification of active contacts in subthalamic deep brain stimulation
2007 Vergani, F.; Landi, A.; Antonini, A.; Parolin, M.; Cilia, R.; Grimaldi, M.; Ferrarese, C.; Gaini, S. M.; Sganzerla, E. P.
BAEP and SSEP monitoring during posterior fossa surgery
1988 Ducati, A; Landi, A; Cenzato, M; Fava, E; Parma, A; Giovanelli, M
Best responders (>80% seizure reduction) to vagal nerve stimulation in a pediatric drug-resistant epileptic population
2017 Landi, A; Pirillo, D; Cavandoli, C; Trezza, A; Grioni, D.
Bilateral subthalamic deep brain stimulation in a patient with Parkinson's disease who had previously undergone thalamotomy and autologous adrenal grafting in the caudate nucleus: Case report
2006 Vergani, F.; Landi, A.; Antonini, A.; Sganzerla, E. P.
Body weight gain rate in patients with Parkinson's disease and deep brain stimulation
2003 Barichella, Michela; Marczewska, Agnieszka M; Mariani, Claudio; Landi, Andrea; Vairo, Antonella; Pezzoli, Gianni