Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
Developing and testing molecular markers in cannabis sativa (Hemp) for their use in variety and dioecy assessments
2021 Borin, M.; Palumbo, F.; Vannozzi, A.; Scariolo, F.; Sacilotto, G. B.; Gazzola, M.; Barcaccia, G.
Effects of drought on yield and nutraceutical properties of beans (Phaseolus spp.) traditionally cultivated in Veneto, Italy
2021 Sica, P.; Galvao, A.; Scariolo, F.; Maucieri, C.; Nicoletto, C.; Pilon, C.; Sambo, P.; Barcaccia, G.; Borin, M.; Cabrera, M.; Franklin, D.
Expression of Factors of DNA Methylation in A. thaliana reproductive structures
2018 Basso, Andrea; Scariolo, Francesco; Barcaccia, Gianni; Galla, Giulio
First genomic insights into the Mandevilla genus
2022 Palumbo, Fabio; Draga, Samela; Scariolo, Francesco; Gabelli, Giovanni; Sacilotto, Gio Batta; Gazzola, Marco; Barcaccia, Gianni
Genetic structure of cultivated varieties of radicchio (Cichorium intybus l.): A comparison between F1 hybrids and synthetics
2019 Patella, A.; Scariolo, F.; Palumbo, F.; Barcaccia, G.
Genotyping Analysis by RAD-Seq Reads Is Useful to Assess the Genetic Identity and Relationships of Breeding Lines in Lavender Species Aimed at Managing Plant Variety Protection
2021 Scariolo, Francesco; Palumbo, Fabio; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Sacilotto, Gio Batta; Gazzola, Marco; Barcaccia, Gianni
Heterosis in horticultural crop breeding: combining old theoretical bases with modern genomic views
2023 Farinati, Silvia; Scariolo, Francesco; Palumbo, Fabio; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Barcaccia, Gianni; Lucchin, Margherita
How Helpful May Be a CRISPR/Cas-Based System for Food Traceability?
2024 Farinati, Silvia; Devillars, Aurélien; Gabelli, Giovanni; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Scariolo, Francesco; Palumbo, Fabio; Barcaccia, Gianni
MIK2 is a candidate gene of the S-locus for sporophytic self-incompatibility in chicory (Cichorium intybus, Asteraceae)
2023 Palumbo, F.; Draga, S.; Magon, G.; Gabelli, G.; Vannozzi, A.; Farinati, S.; Scariolo, F.; Lucchin, M.; Barcaccia, G.
Molecular Characterization and Genetic Structure Evaluation of Breeding Populations of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.)
2022 Scariolo, F.; Palumbo, F.; Barcaccia, G.
Molecular Hallmarks, Agronomic Performances and Seed Nutraceutical Properties to Exploit Neglected Genetic Resources of Common Beans Grown by Organic Farming in Two Contrasting Environments
2021 Sica, P.; Scariolo, F.; Galvao, A.; Battaggia, D.; Nicoletto, C.; Maucieri, C.; Palumbo, F.; Franklin, D.; Cabrera, M.; Borin, M.; Sambo, P.; Barcaccia, G.
Molecular Relationships and Genetic Diversity Analysis of Venetian Radicchio (Leaf Chicory, Cichorium intybus subsp. intybus var. sylvestre, 2n = 2x = 18) Biotypes
2022 Basso, A.; Scariolo, F.; Negrisolo, E.; Lucchin, M.; Barcaccia, G.
2022 Scariolo, Francesco
NGS-based barcoding with mini-COI gene target is useful for pet food market surveys aimed at mislabelling detection
2020 Palumbo, Fabio; Scariolo, Francesco; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Barcaccia, Gianni
Pipeline to Design Inbred Lines and F1 Hybrids of Leaf Chicory (Radicchio) Using Male Sterility and Genotyping-by-Sequencing
2023 Scariolo, Francesco; Palumbo, Fabio; Farinati, Silvia; Barcaccia, Gianni
Potentials and Challenges of Genomics for Breeding Cannabis Cultivars
2020 Barcaccia, Gianni; Palumbo, Fabio; Scariolo, Francesco; Vannozzi, Alessandro; Borin, Marcello; Bona, Stefano
The New Green Challenge in Urban Planning: The Right Genetics in the Right Place
2022 Farinati, S.; Betto, A.; Palumbo, F.; Scariolo, F.; Vannozzi, A.; Barcaccia, G.
The Transcriptional Landscape of Berry Skin in Red and White PIWI (“Pilzwiderstandsfähig”) Grapevines Possessing QTLs for Partial Resistance to Downy and Powdery Mildews
2024 Scariolo, Francesco; Gabelli, Giovanni; Magon, Gabriele; Palumbo, Fabio; Pirrello, Carlotta; Farinati, Silvia; Curioni, Andrea; Devillars, Aurélien; Lucchin, Margherita; Barcaccia, Gianni; Vannozzi, Alessandro