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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
1 kHz Remote Control of a Balancing Robot with Wi-Fi-in-the-Loop 2020 Branz, FrancescoAntonello, RiccardoPezzutto, MatthiasTramarin, FedericoSchenato, Luca - IFAC-PAPERSONLINE Proceedings of 21st IFAC World Congress
A calibrated test-set for measurement of access-point time specifications in hybrid wired/wireless industrial communication 2018 Tramarin, FedericoNarduzzi, ClaudioVitturi, StefanoBertocco, Matteo INFORMATION - -
A Calibrated Test-set for Measurement of Access-Point Time Specifications in Hybrid Wired/Wireless Industrial Communication 2018 Tramarin, FedericoNarduzzi, ClaudioVitturi, StefanoBertocco, Matteo - - -
A case for IEEE Std. 1451 in smart microgrid environments 2011 BERTOCCO, MATTEOGIORGI, GIADANARDUZZI, CLAUDIOTRAMARIN, FEDERICO - - 2011 IEEE International Conference on Smart Measurements for Future Grids (SMFG), Conference Proceedings
A cross-layer simulator for industrial wireless communication systems 2011 BERTOCCO, MATTEOTRAMARIN F. - - Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Measurement&Networking
A dynamic rate selection algorithm for IEEE 802.11 industrial wireless LAN 2017 Tramarin, FedericoVitturi, StefanoLuvisotto, Michele IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS - -
A graph-based approach for mobile localization exploiting real and virtual landmarks 2018 Federico Tramarin + - - Proceedings of the 2018 IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC)
A learning algorithm for rate selection in real-time wireless LANs 2017 Luvisotto, MicheleTramarin, FedericoVitturi, Stefano COMPUTER NETWORKS - -
A Profinet Simulator for the Digital Twin of Networked Electrical Drive Systems 2020 Morato, AVitturi, SFedullo, TPeserico, GTramarin, F - PROCEEDINGS IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND FACTORY AUTOMATION A Profinet Simulator for the Digital Twin of Networked Electrical Drive Systems
A system architecture for distributed monitoring and control in a Smart Microgrid 2012 BERTOCCO, MATTEOTRAMARIN, FEDERICO - - Proceedings of the Environmental Energy and Structural Monitoring Systems (EESMS), 2012 IEEE Workshop
Adaptive transmission rate for LQG control over Wi-Fi: A cross-layer approach 2020 Pezzutto, MatthiasTramarin, FedericoDey, SubhrakantiSchenato, Luca AUTOMATICA - -
An effective and low-cost measurement system for EMC pre-compliance testing of radiated emissions in the range 2-8 GHz 2010 BERTOCCO, MATTEOSONA, ALESSANDROTRAMARIN, FEDERICO - - Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility
An Energy Efficient Ethernet Strategy Based on Traffic Prediction and Shaping 2017 CENEDESE, ANGELOTRAMARIN, FEDERICOVITTURI, STEFANO IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS - -
An energy efficient traffic shaping algorithm for Ethernet-based multimedia industrial traffic 2014 CENEDESE, ANGELOMICHIELAN, MARCOTRAMARIN, FEDERICOVITTURI, STEFANO - - Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA)
An indoor localization system to detect areas causing the freezing of gait in Parkinsonians 2019 Tramarin F. + - - Proceedings of the 2019 Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference and Exhibition, DATE 2019
An Innovative Algorithmic Safety Strategy for Networked Electrical Drive Systems 2018 Vitturi, StefanoMORATO, ALBERTOCenedese, AngeloTramarin, FedericoFANTINEL, RICCARDO + - - Proceedings - IEEE 16th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, INDIN 2018
An innovative approach to rate adaptation in IEEE 802.11 real-time industrial networks 2016 Tramarin, FedericoVitturi, StefanoLuvisotto, Michele - - IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems - Proceedings, WFCS
An IoT Measurement System Based on LoRaWAN for Additive Manufacturing 2022 Fedullo, TommasoMorato, AlbertoPeserico, GiovanniTrevisan, LucaTramarin, FedericoVitturi, Stefano + SENSORS - -
An IoT Measurement System Based on LoRaWAN for Additive Manufacturing 2022 Fedullo, TommasoMorato, AlbertoPeserico, GiovanniTrevisan, LucaTramarin, FedericoVitturi, Stefano + SENSORS - -
Analisi del protocollo WirelessHART e delle sue strategie di coesistenza mediante l'uso di un simulatore 2009 BERTOCCO, MATTEOGIORGI, GIADANARDUZZI, CLAUDIOTRAMARIN, FEDERICO + - - Atti del XXVI Congresso Nazionale "Gruppo Misure Elettriche ed Elettroniche", GMEE 2009