Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A glimpse on metazoan ZNFX1 helicases, ancient players of antiviral innate immunity 2022 Bortoletto EGasparotto MFilippini FRosani UVenier P + FISH AND SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY - -
A needle in a haystack: tracing bivalve-associated viruses in high-throughput transcriptomic data 2019 Umberto RosaniPaola VenierALLAM, BASSEM + VIRUSES - -
A-to-I editing of Malacoherpesviridae RNAs supports the antiviral role of ADAR1 in mollusks 2019 Rosani UMaso LAbbadi, MiriamDomeneghetti SCendron LVenier P. + BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - -
Activity of salmonid antibacterial proteins and regulation of their expression in response to different bacterial pathogens. 2014 ROSANI, UMBERTOVENIER, PAOLA + INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL - -
ADAR-editing during Ostreid herpesvirus 1 infection in Crassostrea gigas: facts and limitations 2022 Umberto RosaniEnrico BortolettoPaola Venier + MSPHERE - -
Alcohol metabolism in the upper digestive tract: its implications with respect to carcinogenesis. 1992 FARINATI, FABIOZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINOBURRA, PATRIZIAVENIER, PAOLANITTI, DONATOLEVIS, ANGELO GINO + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CANCER PREVENTION - -
An evolutionary perspective of dopachrome tautomerase enzymes in metazoans 2019 Rosani UDomeneghetti SVenier P + GENES - -
An updated molecular basis for mussel immunity 2015 VENIER, PAOLA + FISH AND SHELLFISH IMMUNOLOGY - -
Analysis of synonymous codon usage patterns in sixty-four different bivalve species 2015 VENIER, PAOLA + PEERJ - -
Antiviral immunity in oysters infected by Ostreid herpes virus-1 2016 ROSANI, UMBERTODOMENEGHETTI, STEFANIAVENIER, PAOLA + INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL - -
Aquatic Ecology of the Oyster Pathogens Vibrio splendidus and Vibrio aestuarianus 2015 VENIER, PAOLA + ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY - -
Atmospheric-pressure cold plasma induces transcriptional changes in ex vivo human corneas 2015 ROSANI, UMBERTOTARRICONE, ELENAVENIER, PAOLABRUN, PAOLADELIGIANNI, VELIKAZUIN, MATTEOMARTINES, EMILIOLEONARDI, ANDREABRUN, PAOLA PLOS ONE - -
Benzo(a)pyrene-induced DNA damage in Mytilus galloprovincialis: Measurement of bulky DNA adducts and DNA oxidative damage in terms of 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-2'-deoxyguanosine formation. 2000 ZAMPIERON, CLAUDIAVENIER, PAOLA + BIOMARKERS - -
Big defensins and mytimacins, new AMP families of the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. 2012 VENIER, PAOLA + DEVELOPMENTAL AND COMPARATIVE IMMUNOLOGY - -
Biological monitoring of human exposure to coal tar. Urinary excretion of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, 1-hydroxypyrene and mutagens in psoriatic patients. 1989 CLONFERO, ERMINIOZORDAN, MAURO AGOSTINOVENIER, PAOLALEVIS, ANGELO GINO + INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH - -
Bivalve omics: state of the art and potential applications for the biomonitoring of harmful marine compounds. 2013 VENIER, PAOLA + MARINE DRUGS - -
Chaperone patterns in vernal keratoconjunctivitis are distinctive of cell and Hsp type, and are modified by inflammatory stimuli 2016 LEONARDI, ANDREATARRICONE, ELENACORRAO, SIMONAALAIBAC, MAURO SALVATORE ALESSANDROCORSO, ALAIN JODYZAVAN, BARBARAVENIER, PAOLABRUN, PAOLA + ALLERGY - -
Characterization of coastal sites by applying genetic and genotoxicity markers in Mytilus galloprovincialis and Tapes philippinarum. 2003 VENIER, PAOLATALLANDINI, LAURABISOL, PAOLO MARIA CHEMISTRY IN ECOLOGY - -
Characterization of mussel gill cells in vivo and in vitro 2005 VENIER, PAOLA + CELL AND TISSUE RESEARCH - -
Characterization of the salmonid cathelicidins and of their biological activities 2013 VENIER, PAOLAROSANI, UMBERTOIRATO, PAOLA + INVERTEBRATE SURVIVAL JOURNAL - -