Dipartimento di Studi Linguistici e Letterari - DISLL
2011 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA; Urbani, Martina
A Guide to the History of the Phonetic Sciences in the United States
1999 J. J., Ohala; A. J., Bronstein; Busa', MARIA GRAZIA; J. A., Lewis; W. F., Weigel
Acoustic correlates of vowel quantity contrasts in an Italian dialect
1995 Uguzzoni, A; Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Acquiring Italian stop consonants: A challenge for Mandarin Chinese-speaking learners
2022 Feng, Qiang; Busà, M. Grazia
Aspects of consonant cluster mutations: the case of /sr/ sequences in Italian
2013 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Being communicative. Does it mean using wider pitch range and more gestures?
2017 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA; Brugnerotto, Sara
Capturing Cross-linguistic Differences in Macro-rhythm: The Case of Italian and English
2019 Polyanskaya, Leona; Busà, Maria Grazia; Ordin, Mikhail
Cenerentola entra a palazzo: il nuovo ruolo della pronuncia nell’insegnamento linguistico
2021 Busà, Maria Grazia
Coarticulation and VOT in an Italian child from 18 to 48 months of age
2021 Zmarich, C.; Bonifacio, S.; Busà, M. G.; Colavolpe, B.; Gaiotto, M.; Olivucci, F.
Coarticulatory nasalization and phonological developments: data from Italian and English nasal-fricative sequences
2007 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Comunicare in inglese? Un nuovo approccio all’insegnamento delle abilità orali
2015 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Correlati acustici della opposizione di quantita' vocalica in area emiliana
1995 Uguzzoni, A; Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Detecting Emotional Involvement in Professional News Reporters: An Analysis of Speech and Gestures
2016 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA; Cravotta, Alice
Differenze ritmiche dell'Italiano e dell'Inglese. Implicazioni per l'acquisizione dell'Inglese come L2
1995 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Effectiveness of VR immersive applications for public speaking enhancement
2021 Notaro, A.; Capraro, F.; Pesavento, M.; Milani, S.; Busà, M. G.
Effects of encouraging the use of gestures on speech
2019 Cravotta, A.; Busà, M. G.; Prieto, P.
Effects of L1 on L2 pronunciation: Italian prosody in English
2010 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA
Encouraging gesture use in a narration task increases speakers gesture rate, gesture salience and the production of representational gestures
2019 Cravotta, A.; Prieto, P.; Busà, M. G.
English L2 intonation by native Italian speakers
2014 Busa', MARIA GRAZIA; A., Stella
Exploring the effects of restraining the use of gestures on narrative speech
2021 Cravotta, Alice; Prieto, Pilar; Busà, M. Grazia