Settore Laboratori di ricerca "Biologia" e Servizi Tecnici-DiBIO  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A Genome-Wide Approach to the Phylogeography of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Adriatic and the Black Seas 2019 Paterno M.Boscari E.Congiu L.Marino I. A. M.Papetti C.Zane L. + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
A population genomics insight by 2b‐RAD reveals populations' uniqueness along the Italian coastline in Leptopsammia pruvoti (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae) 2019 Boscari, ElisaAbbiati, MarcoA. M. Marino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPaterno, MartaPonti, MassimoZane, LorenzoCongiu, Leonardo + DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS - -
Applicazioni di marcatori microsatellite per lo studio della filogeografia di organismi lagunari dell'Adriatico 2009 Marino, Ilaria Anna Maria - - -
Assessment of connectivity patterns of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus in the Adriatic and Ionian seas through combination of genetic data and Lagrangian simulations 2022 Marino, Ilaria Anna MariaAglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoFaggion, SaraKruschel, ClaudiaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
Changes in the gene expression profiles of the brains of male European eels (Anguilla anguilla) during sexual maturation 2014 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINMILAN, MASSIMOBARGELLONI, LUCAPATARNELLO, TOMASOMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZO + BMC GENOMICS - -
Characterization of novel microsatellite markers in the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum and cross species amplification in other Notothenioidei 2011 PAPETTI, CHIARAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAAGOSTINI, CECILIABISOL, PAOLO MARIAPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES - -
CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential 2016 Aglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoForin, NiccolòGatto, MarinoMarino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaTAMBURELLO, LAURAZane, LorenzoKRUSCHEL, CLAUDIA + SCIRES-IT - -
Connectivity Among Populations of the Top Shell Gibbula divaricata in the Adriatic Sea 2019 Marino, IlariaBoscari, ElisaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN GENETICS - -
Contrasting life history traits of two sympatric smooth-hound species: implication for vulnerability 2020 Riginella, EmilioMarino, Ilaria Anna MariaRasotto, Maria BericaZane, LorenzoMazzoldi, Carlotta + JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY - -
Detecting Genome-wide Gene Transcription Profiles Associated with High Pollution Burden in the Critically Endangered European Eel 2013 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINMILAN, MASSIMOMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAPATARNELLO, TOMASOBARGELLONI, LUCAZANE, LORENZO + AQUATIC TOXICOLOGY - -
Effect of male age on sperm traits and sperm competition success in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata) 2010 GASPARINI, CLELIAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIABOSCHETTO, CHIARAPILASTRO, ANDREA AUGUSTO JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY - -
Environmental DNA metabarcoding reveals spatial and seasonal patterns in the fish community in the Venice Lagoon 2022 Cananzi, GabrieleGregori, IreneMartino, FrancescoBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoMarino, Ilaria Anna MariaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
Evidence for past and present hybridization in three Antarctic icefish species provides new perspectives on an evolutionary radiation 2013 MARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAAGOSTINI, CECILIAM. MezzavillaPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY - -
Fast genetic identification of the Beluga sturgeon and its sought-after caviar to stem illegal trade 2017 BOSCARI, ELISAVITULO, NICOLACARUSO, CHIARAPAPETTI, CHIARAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZOCONGIU, LEONARDO + FOOD CONTROL - -
Genetic heterogeneity in populations of the Mediterranean shore crab, Carcinus aestuarii (Decapoda, Portunidae), from the Venice Lagoon. 2010 MARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIABARBISAN, FEDERICAGIOMI, FOLCOBELTRAMINI, MARIANOBISOL, PAOLO MARIAZANE, LORENZO + ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE - -
Genetic variability of the striped venus Chamelea gallina in the northern Adriatic Sea 2018 Chiara PapettiLuca SchiavonMassimo MilanJilda Alicia CaccavoMarta PaternoElisa BoscariIlaria MarinoLeonardo CongiuLorenzo Zane + FISHERIES RESEARCH - -
Genome Evolution in the Cold: Antarctic Icefish Muscle Transcriptome Reveals Selective Duplications Increasing Mitochondrial Function 2013 COPPE, ALESSANDROAGOSTINI, CECILIAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZOBARGELLONI, LUCABORTOLUZZI, STEFANIAPATARNELLO, TOMASO GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION - -
Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the Mediterranean shore crab Carcinus aestuarii (Decapoda, Portunidae) 2008 MARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIABARBISAN, FEDERICABISOL, PAOLO MARIAZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES - -
Matching oceanography and genetics at the basin scale. Seascape connectivity of the Mediterranean shore crab in the Adriatic Sea 2014 MARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY - -
MIPs: multi-locus intron polymorphisms in species identification and population genomics 2024 Boscari E.Scapolatiello A.Papetti C.Zane L.Marino I. A. M.Congiu L. + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -