Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
2bRAD reveals fine-scale genetic structuring among populations within the Mediterranean zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae (Schmidt, 1862) 2024 Boscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoZane, Lorenzo + CORAL REEFS - -
A Genome-Wide Approach to the Phylogeography of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Adriatic and the Black Seas 2019 Paterno M.Boscari E.Congiu L.Marino I. A. M.Papetti C.Zane L. + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
A population genomics insight by 2b‐RAD reveals populations' uniqueness along the Italian coastline in Leptopsammia pruvoti (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae) 2019 Boscari, ElisaAbbiati, MarcoA. M. Marino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPaterno, MartaPonti, MassimoZane, LorenzoCongiu, Leonardo + DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS - -
A resource of genome-wide single-nucleotide polymorphisms generated by RAD tag sequencing in the critically endangered European eel 2013 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES - -
Adaptive peaks in a flat-fish 2007 ZANE, LORENZO HEREDITY - -
Along-shelf connectivity and circumpolar gene flow in Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) 2018 Caccavo, Jilda AliciaPapetti, ChiaraZane, Lorenzo + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
An integrated approach to biological monitoring in the Lagoon of Venice 2006 GIOMI, FOLCOBELTRAMINI, MARIANOFUSCO, GIUSEPPEMARUZZO, DIEGOZANE, LORENZOBISOL, PAOLO MARIA - - Scientific Resarch and Safeguarding of Venice. Reasearch Programme 2004-2006, vol. IV, 2005 results.
An integrated approach to biological monitoring in the Lagoon of Venice. 2006 BELTRAMINI, MARIANOFUSCO, GIUSEPPEZANE, LORENZOBISOL, PAOLO MARIA + - - Scientific Resarch and Safeguarding of Venice. Reasearch Programme 2004-2006, vol. IV, 2005 results. CORILA, Venezia.
Ancient climate change, antifreeze, and the evolutionary diversification of Antarctic fishes 2012 PATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO + PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - -
Assemblages of micronektonic fishes and invertebrates in a gradient of regional warming along the Western Antarctic Peninsula 2015 PATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO + JOURNAL OF MARINE SYSTEMS - -
Assessing Dispersal Patterns of Fish Propagules from an Effective Mediterranean Marine Protected Area 2012 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINZANE, LORENZO + PLOS ONE - -
Assessment of connectivity patterns of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus in the Adriatic and Ionian seas through combination of genetic data and Lagrangian simulations 2022 Marino, Ilaria Anna MariaAglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoFaggion, SaraKruschel, ClaudiaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
Biodiversity at Ecogenetic Level in three species of Beach Fleas 2001 ZANE, LORENZOBISOL, PAOLO MARIA + - - Mediterranean Ecosystem Structures and processes
Body size correlates with fertilization success but not gonad size in grass goby territorial males. 2012 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINLOCATELLO, LISAZANE, LORENZOMAZZOLDI, CARLOTTA PLOS ONE - -
Changes in the gene expression profiles of the brains of male European eels (Anguilla anguilla) during sexual maturation 2014 PUJOLAR CASTANER, JOSE' MARTINMILAN, MASSIMOBARGELLONI, LUCAPATARNELLO, TOMASOMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZO + BMC GENOMICS - -
Chaotic genetic structure and past demographic expansion of the invasive gastropod Tritia neritea in its native range, the Mediterranean Sea 2020 Zane, Lorenzo + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Characterization of novel microsatellite markers in the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum and cross species amplification in other Notothenioidei 2011 PAPETTI, CHIARAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAAGOSTINI, CECILIABISOL, PAOLO MARIAPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES - -
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the marine isopod Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea, Isopoda) 2009 PAPETTI, CHIARAPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES - -
CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential 2016 Aglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoForin, NiccolòGatto, MarinoMarino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaTAMBURELLO, LAURAZane, LorenzoKRUSCHEL, CLAUDIA + SCIRES-IT - -
Connectivity Among Populations of the Top Shell Gibbula divaricata in the Adriatic Sea 2019 Marino, IlariaBoscari, ElisaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN GENETICS - -