Dipartimento di Biologia - DiBio  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A first insight into the spleen transcriptome of the notothenioid fish Lepidonotothen nudifrons: Resource description and functional overview 2015 PAPETTI, CHIARA + MARINE GENOMICS - -
A Genome-Wide Approach to the Phylogeography of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in the Adriatic and the Black Seas 2019 Paterno M.Boscari E.Congiu L.Marino I. A. M.Papetti C.Zane L. + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
A population genomics insight by 2b‐RAD reveals populations' uniqueness along the Italian coastline in Leptopsammia pruvoti (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae) 2019 Boscari, ElisaAbbiati, MarcoA. M. Marino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPaterno, MartaPonti, MassimoZane, LorenzoCongiu, Leonardo + DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS - -
Along-shelf connectivity and circumpolar gene flow in Antarctic silverfish (Pleuragramma antarctica) 2018 Caccavo, Jilda AliciaPapetti, ChiaraZane, Lorenzo + SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
An integrated genomic approach for the study of mandibular prognathism in the European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax) 2016 BABBUCCI, MASSIMILIANOFERRARESSO, SERENAPAULETTO, MARIANNAFRANCH, RAFAELLAPAPETTI, CHIARAPATARNELLO, TOMASOCARNIER, PAOLOBARGELLONI, LUCA SCIENTIFIC REPORTS - -
Antarctic fish mitochondrial genomes lack ND6 gene 2007 PAPETTI, CHIARAPATARNELLO, TOMASO + JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR EVOLUTION - -
Anthropogenic noise effects on Risso's dolphin vocalizations in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian sea, central Mediterranean sea) 2024 Papetti C. + OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Assessment of connectivity patterns of the marbled crab Pachygrapsus marmoratus in the Adriatic and Ionian seas through combination of genetic data and Lagrangian simulations 2022 Marino, Ilaria Anna MariaAglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoFaggion, SaraKruschel, ClaudiaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaZane, Lorenzo + FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE - -
Characterization of novel microsatellite markers in the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum and cross species amplification in other Notothenioidei 2011 PAPETTI, CHIARAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAAGOSTINI, CECILIABISOL, PAOLO MARIAPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES - -
Characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci in the marine isopod Sphaeroma terebrans (Crustacea, Isopoda) 2009 PAPETTI, CHIARAPATARNELLO, TOMASOZANE, LORENZO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY RESOURCES - -
CoCoNet: Towards coast to coast networks of marine protected areas (From the shore to the high and deep sea), coupled with sea-based wind energy potential 2016 Aglieri, GiorgioBoscari, ElisaCongiu, LeonardoForin, NiccolòGatto, MarinoMarino, IlariaPapetti, ChiaraPatarnello, TomasoPaterno, MartaTAMBURELLO, LAURAZane, LorenzoKRUSCHEL, CLAUDIA + SCIRES-IT - -
Comparative analysis of otolith morphology in icefishes (Channichthyidae) applying different statistical classification methods 2020 Donato F.Riginella E.Schiavon L.Papetti C. + FISHERIES RESEARCH - -
Corrigendum to "Phylogeography and demographic history of two widespread Indo-Pacific mudskippers (Gobiidae: Periophthalmus)" [Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 73 (2014) 161-176] DOI: 10.1016/j.ympev.2014.01.014 2016 Zane, L.Babbucci, M.Barbisan, F.Patarnello, T.Papetti, C. + MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION - -
Corrigendum to “Anthropogenic noise effects on Risso's dolphin vocalizations in the Gulf of Taranto (Northern Ionian Sea, central Mediterranean Sea)” [Ocean Coast. Manag. 254 (2024) 107177] (Ocean and Coastal Management (2024) 254, (S0964569124001625), (10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2024.107177)) 2024 Papetti C. + OCEAN & COASTAL MANAGEMENT - -
Demographic history and population structure of the Antarctic silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum. 2006 ZANE, LORENZOMARCATO, STEFANIABARGELLONI, LUCAPAPETTI, CHIARASIMONATO, MAUROVAROTTO, VITTORIOPATARNELLO, TOMASO + MOLECULAR ECOLOGY - -
Draft genome assembly and transcriptome data of the icefish Chionodraco myersi reveal the key role of mitochondria for a life without hemoglobin at subzero temperatures 2019 Bargelloni L.Babbucci M.Ferraresso S.Papetti C.Pauletto M.Santovito G.Zane L.Patarnello T. + COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY - -
Ecological and Genetic Differences between Cacopsylla melanoneura (Hemiptera, Psyllidae) Populations Reveal Species Host Plant Preference 2013 MALAGNINI, VALERIAPAPETTI, CHIARAPOZZEBON, ALBERTO + PLOS ONE - -
Ecological genomics in the Northern krill uncovers loci for local adaptation across ocean basins 2024 Papetti, Chiara + NATURE COMMUNICATIONS - -
Fast genetic identification of the Beluga sturgeon and its sought-after caviar to stem illegal trade 2017 BOSCARI, ELISAVITULO, NICOLACARUSO, CHIARAPAPETTI, CHIARAMARINO, ILARIA ANNA MARIAZANE, LORENZOCONGIU, LEONARDO + FOOD CONTROL - -
First Evidence of Inbreeding, Relatedness and Chaotic Genetic Patchiness in the Holoplanktonic Jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca (Scyphozoa, Cnidaria) 2014 PAPETTI, CHIARAZANE, LORENZO + PLOS ONE - -