Dipartimento di Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali - TESAF  

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Risultati 1 - 20 di 23 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.053 secondi).
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Conference presentation : "How national forest funds can support small-scale forest businesses to deliver ecosystem services?" 2020 Ludwig LiagreAlex PraDavide Pettenella - - -
Consumption of wood biomass in Italy: a strategic role based on a weak knowledge 2016 PRA, ALEXPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO L' ITALIA FORESTALE E MONTANA - -
Finanza a impatto e cambiamento climatico: investimenti forestali 2018 Alex PraLucio Brotto - - La finanza di impatto per i cambiamenti climatici
Forest plantations in Southwestern Europe: A comparative trend analysis on investment returns, markets and policies 2019 Pra, AlexMasiero, MauroPettenella, Davide + FOREST POLICY AND ECONOMICS - -
Forest plantations investments in southern Europe: a comparative trend analysis on returns, markets and policies 2018 Pra, Alex - - -
How can National Forest Funds catalyse the provision of ecosystem services? Lessons learned from Costa Rica, Vietnam, and Morocco 2021 Liagre L.Pettenella D.Pra A. + ECOSYSTEM SERVICES - -
How national forest funds can support small-scale forest businesses to deliver ecosystem services 2021 Liagre L.Pra A.Pettenella D. CENTRALBLATT FÜR DAS GESAMTE FORSTWESEN - -
Investimentos florestais sustentáveis e normas ambientais e sociais relacionadas 2018 Alex PraLucio Brotto + - - Oportunidades de Negócios Sustentáveis nas Florestas Tropicais Brasileiras
Investment returns from hybrid poplar plantations in northern Italy between 2001 and 2016: are we losing a bio-based segment of the primary economy? 2019 Alex PraDavide Pettenella RIVISTA DI ECONOMIA AGRARIA - -
Investments in planted forests in southern Europe: an ex-post estimation of returns over the last 15 years 2017 PRA, ALEXPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO - - IUFRO 125th Anniversary Congress Abstract Book
Investments in poplar plantations in the Po valley: are we losing a bio-based segment of the primary economy? 2017 PRA, ALEXPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO - - Proceedings of the First joint Conference SIDEA-SIEA
La lezione di Vaia 2020 Davide PettenellaAlex Pra MONTAGNE 360° - -
Pioppicoltura e Psr: un’opportunità da sfruttare meglio 2016 PRA, ALEXPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO L'INFORMATORE AGRARIO - -
Plantations investments in Southern Europe: a comparative analysis on returns, trends and subsidy policies 2018 Alex PraLucio BrottoMauro MasieroDavide Pettenella - - Book of Abstracts
Potentials, limits and challenges for the Fair Trade in Nepal: an overview of the perception by the members of the Fair Trade Group Nepal 2015 PRA, ALEXSECCO, LAURA - - Analisi e valutazioni di progetti di sviluppo nei PVS
Profitability of timber plantations on agricultural land in the Po valley (northern Italy): a comparison between walnut, hybrid poplar and polycyclic plantations in the light of the European Union Rural Development Policy orientation 2019 Pra, AlexBrotto, LucioMasiero, MauroAndrighetto, NicolaPettenella, Davide + EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH - -
Quale futuro per la pioppicoltura? Indagine sul quadro attuale e le prospettive d'impiego industriale del legname di pioppo 2018 Alex PraDavide Pettenella + - - -
Redditività finanziaria delle piantagioni da legno: confronto tra pioppo, noce e piantagioni policicliche 2016 PRA, ALEXBROTTO, LUCIOPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO + SHERWOOD. FORESTE ED ALBERI OGGI - -
Stima dell’andamento della redditività delle piantagioni di pioppo alla luce delle politiche di settore 2017 PRA, ALEXPETTENELLA, DAVIDE MATTEO FOREST@ - -