Dipartimento di Medicina - DIMED  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
17beta-estradiol modulates monocyte heterogeneity and macrophage polarization 2013 TONIOLO, ALICETEDESCO, SERENAFADINI, GIAN PAOLOCIGNARELLA, ANDREABOLEGO, CHIARA + - - -
17beta-Estradiol Signaling and Menopausal status Modulate Human Macrophage Polarization 2014 TONIOLO, ALICETEDESCO, SERENAFADINI, GIAN PAOLOBOLEGO, CHIARACIGNARELLA, ANDREA + - - -
Activation phenotypes of human monocyte-derived macrophages: methodological approaches and pharmacological modulation by curcumin analogues 2016 Tedesco, Serena - - -
Activation profiles of monocyte-macrophages and HDL function in healthy women in relation to menstrual cycle and in polycystic ovary syndrome patients 2019 Tedesco, SerenaCappellari, RobertaBarbot, MattiaPINELLI, SILVIAPlebani, MarioBolego, ChiaraScaroni, CarlaFadini, Gian PaoloCignarella, Andrea + ENDOCRINE - -
Alternative Activation of Human Macrophages Is Rescued by Estrogen Treatment in Vitro and Impaired by Menopausal Status. 2015 TONIOLO, ALICEFADINI, GIAN PAOLOTEDESCO, SERENAAVOGARO, ANGELOBOLEGO, CHIARACIGNARELLA, ANDREA + THE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY AND METABOLISM - -
Bisdemethoxycurcumin and Its Cyclized Pyrazole Analogue Differentially Disrupt Lipopolysaccharide Signalling in Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages 2018 Tedesco, SerenaZusso, MorenaFacci, LauraTrenti, AnnalisaBoscaro, CarlottaFadini, Gian PaoloGiusti, PietroBolego, ChiaraCignarella, Andrea + MEDIATORS OF INFLAMMATION - -
Convenience versus Biological Significance: Are PMA-Differentiated THP-1 Cells a Reliable Substitute for Blood-Derived Macrophages When Studying in Vitro Polarization? 2018 Tedesco SerenaTrenti AnnalisaTrevisi LuciaFadini Gian PaoloBolego ChiaraCignarella AndreaVitiello Libero + FRONTIERS IN PHARMACOLOGY - -
Diabetes-associated myelopoiesis drives stem cell mobilopathy through an OSM-p66Shc signaling pathway 2019 Albiero, MattiaCiciliot, StefanoTedesco, SerenaMenegazzo, LisaD'Anna, MariannaScattolini, ValentinaCappellari, RobertaZuccolotto, GaiaRosato, AntonioCignarella, AndreaGiorgio, MarcoAvogaro, AngeloFadini, Gian Paolo DIABETES - -
Effects of digitoxin on cell migration in ovarian cancer inflammatory microenvironment 2018 Trenti, AnnalisaBoscaro, CarlottaTedesco, SerenaCignarella, AndreaTrevisi, LuciaBolego, Chiara BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGY - -
Estrogen, angiogenesis, immunity and cell metabolism: Solving the puzzle 2018 Trenti, AnnalisaTedesco, SerenaBOSCARO, CARLOTTATrevisi, LuciaBolego, ChiaraCignarella, Andrea INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Inhibition of SGLT-2 rescues bone marrow cell traffic for vascular repair. Role of glucose control and ketogenesis 2021 Albiero, MattiaTedesco, SerenaAmendolagine, Francesco IvanD'Anna, MariannaMigliozzi, LudovicaZuccolotto, GaiaRosato, AntonioCappellari, RobertaAvogaro, AngeloFadini, Gian Paolo DIABETES - -
Interplay between gut microbiota and p66Shc affects obesity-associated insulin resistance 2018 Ciciliot, StefanoAlbiero, MattiaCampanaro, StefanoPoncina, NicolTedesco, SerenaScattolini, ValentinaDALLA COSTA, FRANCESCACignarella, AndreaVettore, MonicaDi Gangi, Iole MariaBogialli, SaraAvogaro, AngeloFadini, Gian Paolo THE FASEB JOURNAL - -
Mitochondrial Calcium Uptake Is Instrumental to Alternative Macrophage Polarization and Phagocytic Activity 2019 Tedesco, SerenaScattolini, ValentinaAlbiero, MattiaBortolozzi, MarioAvogaro, AngeloCignarella, AndreaFadini, Gian Paolo INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES - -
Pharmacologic PPAR-γ Activation Reprograms Bone Marrow Macrophages and Partially Rescues HSPC Mobilization in Human and Murine Diabetes 2020 Tedesco, SerenaCiciliot, StefanoMenegazzo, LisaD'Anna, MariannaScattolini, ValentinaCappellari, RobertaCignarella, AndreaAvogaro, AngeloAlbiero, MattiaFadini, Gian Paolo DIABETES - -
Pharmacological modulation of macrophage activation phenotypes: the paradigm of dexamethasone 2013 TEDESCO, SERENATONIOLO, ALICEBOLEGO, CHIARACIGNARELLA, ANDREA - - 36° Congresso Nazionale della società Italiana di Farmacologia
Phenotypes of human macrophage polarized activation: role of dexamethasone 2013 TONIOLO, ALICETEDESCO, SERENACIGNARELLA, ANDREABOLEGO, CHIARA - - Inflammatory based diseases: molecular and cellular mechanisms
Phenotypic activation and pharmacological outcomes of spontaneously differentiated human monocyte-derived macrophages. 2015 TEDESCO, SERENABOLEGO, CHIARATONIOLO, ALICENASSI, ALBERTOFADINI, GIAN PAOLOCIGNARELLA, ANDREA + IMMUNOBIOLOGY - -
The continuum of monocyte phenotypes: Experimental evidence and prognostic utility in assessing cardiovascular risk 2018 Cignarella, AndreaTedesco, SerenaCappellari, RobertaFadini, Gian Paolo JOURNAL OF LEUKOCYTE BIOLOGY - -
The Glycolytic Enzyme PFKFB3 Is Involved in Estrogen-Mediated Angiogenesis via GPER1 2017 Serena TedescoCarlotta BoscaroNicola FerriAndrea CignarellaLucia TrevisiChiara Bolego + THE JOURNAL OF PHARMACOLOGY AND EXPERIMENTAL THERAPEUTICS - -