Dipartimento di Neuroscienze - DNS
A software-based platform for multichannel electrophysiological data acquisition
2015 Frigo, G.; Rubega, M.; Lezziero, G.; Fontana, R.; Cecchetto, C.; Vassanelli, S.; Sparacino, G.; Bertocco, M.
A tunable local field potentials computer simulator to assess minimal requirements for phase-amplitude cross-frequency-coupling estimation
2016 Rubega, Maria; Fontana, Roberto; Vassanelli, Stefano; Sparacino, Giovanni
Abnormal directed connectivity of resting state networks in focal epilepsy
2020 De Stefano, P.; Vorderwulbecke, B. J.; Tourbier, S.; Mullier, E.; Rubega, M.; Momjian, S.; Schaller, K.; Hagmann, P.; Seeck, M.; Michel, C. M.; van Mierlo, P.; Vulliemoz, S.; Carboni, M.
Age-related differences in visual P300 ERP during dual-task postural balance
2021 Tortora, Stefano; Rubega, Maria; Formaggio, Emanuela; Di Marco, Roberto; Masiero, Stefano; Menegatti, Emanuele; Tonin, Luca; Del Felice, Alessandra
Algorithm and software to automatically identify latency and amplitude features of local field potentials recorded in electrophysiological investigation
2017 Rubega, Maria; Cecchetto, Claudia; Vassanelli, Stefano; Sparacino, Giovanni
Altered directed functional connectivity of the right amygdala in depression: high-density EEG study
2020 Damborska, A.; Honzirkova, E.; Bartecek, R.; Horinkova, J.; Fedorova, S.; Ondrus, S.; Michel, C. M.; Rubega, M.
Assessment of EEG Changes During Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetic Subjects
2014 Rubega, Maria; Fabris, Chiara; A. S., Sejling; J., Duun Henriksen; L. S., Remvig; C. B., Juhl; Goljahani, Anahita; Sparacino, Giovanni; Cobelli, Claudio
Automated analysis of local field potentials evoked by mechanical whisker stimulation in rat barrel cortex
2015 Rubega, M.; Cecchetto, C.; Vassanelli, S.; Sparacino, G.
Beyond physiotherapy and pharmacological treatment for fibromyalgia syndrome: tailored tACS as a new therapeutic tool
2020 Bernardi, Laura; Bertuccelli, Margherita; Formaggio, Emanuela; Rubega, Maria; Bosco, Gerardo; Tenconi, Elena; Cattelan, Manuela; Masiero, Stefano; Del Felice, Alessandra
Body-Related Attentional Bias in Adolescents Affected by Idiopathic Scoliosis
2023 Bertuccelli, Margherita; Rubega, Maria; Cantele, Francesca; Favero, Claudia; Ermolao, Andrea; Formaggio, Emanuela; Masiero, Stefano
Brain oscillatory activity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
2022 Formaggio, E.; Bertuccelli, M.; Rubega, M.; Di Marco, R.; Cantele, F.; Gottardello, F.; De Giuseppe, M.; Masiero, S.
Cognitive impairment in people with previous COVID-19 infection: A scoping review
2022 Bertuccelli, Margherita; Ciringione, Luciana; Rubega, Maria; Bisiacchi, Patrizia; Masiero, Stefano; Del Felice, Alessandra
Connectome spectral analysis to track EEG task dynamics on a subsecond scale
2020 Glomb, Katharina; Queralt, Joan Rue; Pascucci, David; Defferrard, Michaël; Tourbier, Sebastien; Carboni, Margherita; Rubega, Maria; Vulliemoz, Serge; Plomp, Gijs; Hagmann, Patric
Cortical correlates in upright dynamic and static balance in the elderly
2021 Rubega, Maria; Formaggio, Emanuela; Di Marco, Roberto; Bertuccelli, Margherita; Tortora, Stefano; Menegatti, Emanuele; Cattelan, Manuela; Bonato, Paolo; Masiero, Stefano; Del Felice, Alessandra
Cortical correlates in upright static balance in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
2023 Rubega, M.; Paramento, M.; Masiero, S.; Formaggio, E.
Decrease of EEG Coherence during hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetic subjects
2015 Rubega, M.; Sparacino, G.; Sejling, A. S.; Juhl, C. B.; Cobelli, C.
Detection of Hypoglycemia Using Measures of EEG Complexity in Type 1 Diabetes Patients
2020 Rubega, Maria; Scarpa, Fabio; Teodori, Debora; Sejling, Anne-Sophie; Frandsen, Christian S.; Sparacino, Giovanni
Early hippocampal hyperexcitability in PS2APP mice: role of mutant PS2 and APP
2017 Fontana, Roberto; Agostini, Mario; Murana, Emanuele; Mahmud, Mufti; Scremin, Elena; Rubega, Maria; Sparacino, Giovanni; Vassanelli, Stefano; Fasolato, Cristina
Editorial: Chasing brain dynamics at their speed: what can time-varying functional connectivity tell us about brain function?
2023 Rubega, M.; Storti, S. F.; Pascucci, D.
Editorial: Women in science: Interventions for rehabilitation
2022 Zoghi, Maryam; Rubega, Maria; Fung, Joyce