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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A new method for passive partial eigenstructure assignment in vibrating systems 2015 BELOTTI, ROBERTOPALOMBA, ILARIARICHIEDEI, DARIOTREVISANI, ALBERTO - - Proceedings of IOMAC'15, 6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, 2015 May12-14 Gijón - Spain
A new method of passive modifications for partial frequency assignment of general structures 2018 Belotti, RobertoRichiedei, Dario + MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - -
A novel approach for antiresonance assignment in undamped vibrating systems 2019 Belotti RobertoRichiedei D.Tamellin I. - MECHANISMS AND MACHINE SCIENCE Mechanisms and Machine Science
Antiresonance assignment in point and cross receptances for undamped vibrating systems 2020 Belotti, RobertoRichiedei, DarioTamellin, Iacopo JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN - -
ASSIGNMENT OF ANTIRESONANCES IN CROSS RECEPTANCES THROUGH MASS AND STIFFNESS MODIFICATIONS 2019 R. BelottiD. RichiedeiTAMELLIN, IACOPOA. Trevisani - - Proceedings of the "12HSTAM 2019 International Congress on Mechanics"
Concurrent Active Control and Dynamic Structural Modification in the Design and the Optimization of Vibrating Systems 2017 BELOTTI, ROBERTOCARACCIOLO, ROBERTORICHIEDEI, DARIO - - Advances in Italian Mechanism Science Volume 47 of the series Mechanisms and Machine Science. Proceedings of the First International Conference of IFToMM Italy
Concurrent design of active control and structural modifications for eigenstructure assignment on a cantilever beam 2017 Belotti, RobertoRichiedei, DarioTrevisani, Alberto - - Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
Designing auxiliary systems for the inverse eigenstructure assignment in vibrating systems 2017 BELOTTI, ROBERTORICHIEDEI, DARIO ARCHIVE OF APPLIED MECHANICS - -
Dynamic structural modification of vibrating systems oriented to eigenstructure assignment through active control: A concurrent approach 2018 Belotti, RobertoRichiedei, Dario JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION - -
Eigenstructure assignment in vibrating systems through active and passive approaches 2017 Belotti, Roberto - - -
Improving active eigenvector assignment through passive modifications 2016 BELOTTI, ROBERTORICHIEDEI, DARIO JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. CONFERENCE SERIES - -
Interior mode selection in the Craig Bampton reduction technique based on an energy approach 2015 BELOTTI, ROBERTOPALOMBA, ILARIARICHIEDEI, DARIOTREVISANI, ALBERTO - - Proceedings of IOMAC'15, 6th International Operational Modal Analysis Conference, 2015 May12-14 Gijón - Spain
Inverse structural modification for improving the design of harmonic excitation forces in underactuated vibration generators 2020 Belotti R.Richiedei D.Tamellin I.Trevisani A. - - Proceedings of ISMA 2020 - International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering and USD 2020 - International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics
Multi-domain optimization of the eigenstructure of controlled underactuated vibrating systems 2021 Belotti R.Richiedei D.Trevisani A. STRUCTURAL AND MULTIDISCIPLINARY OPTIMIZATION - -
Optimal Design of Vibrating Systems Through Partial Eigenstructure Assignment 2016 BELOTTI, ROBERTORICHIEDEI, DARIOTREVISANI, ALBERTO JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN - -
Partial eigenstructure assignment in vibrating systems through homotopy optimization 2015 BELOTTI, ROBERTOPALOMBA, ILARIARICHIEDEI, DARIOTREVISANI, ALBERTO - - Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Vibration (ICoEV-2015), Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September 7 - 10, 2015
Pole assignment for active vibration control of linear vibrating systems through Linear Matrix Inequalities 2020 Belotti R.Richiedei D.Tamellin I.Trevisani A. APPLIED SCIENCES - -
Pole assignment in vibrating systems with time delay: An approach embedding an a-priori stability condition based on Linear Matrix Inequality 2020 Belotti RobertoRichiedei D. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING - -
Response optimization of underactuated vibration generators through dynamic structural modification and shaping of the excitation forces 2021 Belotti R.Richiedei D.Tamellin I.Trevisani A. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY - -