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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
Characterisation of the plume of an atmospheric plasma torch 2011 DE MURI, MICHELASONATO, PIERGIORGIOSERIANNI, GIANLUIGILOTTO, LUCABULLO, MARCODUGHIERO, FABRIZIOSIENI, ELISABETTA + - - XX Congresso Nazionale A.I.V. "Energia e materiali: Tecnologie a confronto e prospettive"
Current Signals and X- Ray Spectra Analysis for a Vacuum High Voltage Holding Experiment 2018 Spagnolo, S.Pilan, N.Lotto, L.Martines, E.Zuin, M.Fontana, C.Pino, F.Gobbo, R. + PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCHARGES AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION IN VACUUM - -
Design and realisation of a remotely controlled positioning system in an atmospheric plasma torch for film deposition and plasma characterization 2011 LOTTO, LUCASONATO, PIERGIORGIODE MURI, MICHELASERIANNI, GIANLUIGIDUGHIERO, FABRIZIOSIENI, ELISABETTABULLO, MARCO + - - XX Congresso Nazionale A.I.V. "Energia e materiali: Tecnologie a confronto e prospettive"
Development of X-Ray Collimators to Identify Sources of Radiation in Devices Insulated by Large Vacuum Gaps 2024 Pilan N.Gobbo R.Lotto L.Marconato N.Pesavento G. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Development of X-Ray collimators to identify sources of radiation in devices insulated by large vacuum gaps 2023 Pilan N.Gobbo R.Lotto L.Marconato N.Pesavento G. + - PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISCHARGES AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION IN VACUUM Proceedings - International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum, ISDEIV
Electrical diagnostics for high voltage tests in MITICA 2023 Patton, T.Aprile, D.Chitarin, G.Dan, M.Gobbo, R.Pilan, N.Rigoni, A.Valente, M.Lotto, L.Molon, F.Tollin, M. + FUSION ENGINEERING AND DESIGN - -
Evidences of accumulation points in cascade regenerative phenomena observed in high voltage dc devices insulated by long vacuum gaps 2018 Pilan, NFINCATO, MATTEOFontana, CLotto, LMartines, EPasqualotto, RPino, FSpagnolo, SVeltri, PZuin, M + JOURNAL OF PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS - -
Extraction of many H - beamlets from ion source NIO1 2018 Serianni, G.Veltri, P.De Muri, M.Baltador, C.Barbisan, M.Barzon, A.Baseggio, L.Buonincontri, L.Lotto, L.LUDOVICI, ANDREAMigliorato, L.Minarello, A.Moro, G.Pasqualotto, R.Jain, P.Patton, T.Pimazzoni, A.Romanato, LauraSartori, E.Sattin, M.Stivanello, F.Tollin, M.Ugoletti, M.Zaniol, B.Sonato, P. + AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - AIP Conference Proceedings
Numerical-Experimental Benchmarking of a Probabilistic Code for Prediction of Voltage Holding in High Vacuum 2018 Pilan, N.Specogna, R.Lotto, L.Bettini, P. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Optical Diagnostics for High-Voltage Tests in MITICA 2022 Aprile, DanieleChitarin, G.Lotto, L.Patton, T.Pilan, N. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -
Pre-breakdown phenomena between electrodes in vacuum: the role of accumulation points in the onset of microdischarges 2021 Pilan, N.Chitarin, G.Fontana, C. L.McCormack, O.Gobbo, R.Lotto, L.Pesavento, G. + - - Proc. of 2020 29th International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum (ISDEIV), 2021
Progress on development of SPIDER diagnostics 2017 Agostini, M.Barbisan, M.Brombin, M.Dalla Palma, M.Lotto, L.Muraro, A.Peruzzo, S.Pimazzoni, A.Serianni, G.Zaniol, B.Zaupa, M. + AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - AIP Conference Proceedings
Role of Electron Stimulated Desorption in the initiation of HVDC vacuum arc 2024 Pilan, N.Chitarin, G.Guiotto, F.Lotto, L.Marconato, N.Muraro, A. + VACUUM - -
Strategy for Vacuum Insulation Tests of MITICA 1 MV Electrostatic Accelerator 2022 Chitarin, G.Luchetta, A.Marconato, N.Patton, T.Pilan, N.Dan, M.Lotto, L.Rigoni-Garola, A.Sartori, E.Tollin, M.Grando, L.Kisaki, M. + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE - -