Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A protocol for measuring health and welfare of reproducing does and litters in rabbit farms 2021 Zomeño C.Trocino A.Birolo M.Xiccato G. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proceedings of the 12th World Rabbit Congress
Adattabilità di polli di razze avicole locali e ibridi commerciali a temperature ambientali elevate e diete a basso impatto 2022 Birolo M.Trocino A.Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Xiccato G. - - Proc. Convegno Finale Progetto PRIN "LoChAl - Use of local chicken breeds in alternative production chain: welfare, quality and sustainability”
Aggressiveness in group-housed rabbit does: influence of group size and pen characteristics 2017 Zomeño, C.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G.Trocino, A. + APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE - -
Aquaponics: smart system for food production in smart cities 2019 Bordignon F.Maucieri C.Nicoletto C.Birolo M.Trocino A.Zanin G.Sambo P.Borin M.Xiccato G. - - Proc. I Convegno AISSA#under40
Aspetti produttivi in sistemi di acquaponica a input ridotti 2021 Nicoletto C.Maucieri C.Birolo M.Sambo P. COLTURE PROTETTE - -
Assessing the motivation of Leghorn hens to access outdoor space and pasture resources 2023 Marco birolo + ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Behaviour and reactivity of female and male rabbits housed in collective pens: effect of floor type and stocking density at different ages 2018 Trocino A.Filiou E.Zomeño C.Birolo M.Bertotto D.Xiccato G. WORLD RABBIT SCIENCE - -
Broiler performance and meat quality of two Italian local breeds in alternative to Ross 308 strain reared under different climatic conditions 2021 Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Trocino A.Xiccato G.Birolo M. - - Proc. 29th Animal Science Days International Symposium
Caecal microbiota composition in chickens of different genotypes fed low-input diets 2024 Zardinoni G.Trocino A.Stevanato P.Birolo M.Bordignon F.Xiccato G. - - The Book of Abstracts of XVI European Poultry Conference - EPC2024
Changes in ovoposion time in brown hens during the cycle in an aviary system 2022 Pillan G.Xiccato G.Bordignon F.Birolo M.Trocino A. + - - Proc. 26th World’s Poultry Congress, Books of Abstracts 2022
Changes of stress indicators in different matrices in growing rabbits before and after transport 2016 Bertotto, D.Radaelli, G.Negrato, E.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G.Trocino, A. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress
Characterization study of aggressive behaviours in group-housed rabbit does 2016 Trocino, A.Zomeño, C.Birolo, M.Xiccato, G. + - PROCEEDINGS WORLD RABBIT CONGRESS Proc. 11th World Rabbit Congress
Chlorella vulgaris microalgae as a sustainable feed ingredient: effects on meat quality and myopathy occurrence in broiler chickens 2023 Boskovic Cabrol M.Huerta AlmudenaBordignon F.Birolo M.Xiccato G.Trocino A. - - Proceedings of the 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology
Color of nest curtains: effects on egg and hens position in an aviary system 2021 Pillan G.Pascual Guzman A.Bordignon F.Birolo M.Xiccato G.Trocino A. + - - Proc. 29th Animal Science Days International Symposium
Comparative life cycle assessment of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) farming at two stocking densities in a low-tech aquaponic system 2022 Bordignon, FrancescoSturaro, EnricoTrocino, AngelaBirolo, MarcoXiccato, GerolamoBerton, Marco AQUACULTURE - -
Comportamiento, miedo y estrés en conejos de engorde: resultados en condiciones de alojamiento inadecuadas 2017 Zomeño, C.Xiccato, G.Filiou, E.Birolo, M.Bertotto, D.Trocino, A. + - - Proc. XLII Symposium de Cunicultura de ASESCU
Crossbreeding to improve local chicken breeds: predicting growth performance of the crosses using the Gompertz model and estimated heterosis 2023 Birolo M.Bittante G. + POULTRY SCIENCE - -
Dietary black soldier fly as suitable ingredient for Muscovy duck: preliminary results on carcass and breast meat traits 2018 Dabbou S.Birolo M.Trocino A. + - - Proceedings of the XVth European Poultry Conference
Dietary fat content and supplementation with sodium butyrate: effects on growth performance, carcass traits, meat quality, and myopathies in broiler chickens 2024 Huerta AlmudenaXiccato G.Bordignon F.Birolo M.Boskovic Cabrol M.Pirrone F.Trocino A. POULTRY SCIENCE - -
Dietary inclusion of Chlorella vulgaris and heat-stress in broiler chickens: effects on growth performance and product quality of broiler chickens 2023 Boskovic Cabrol M.Huerta AlmudenaBordignon F.Birolo M.Xiccato G.Trocino A. - - XIXth European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products XXVth European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat - Abstract Book