Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.156
EU - Europa 1.405
AS - Asia 840
SA - Sud America 7
AF - Africa 5
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 8.417
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.081
IT - Italia 389
CN - Cina 327
SG - Singapore 282
DE - Germania 233
FI - Finlandia 166
UA - Ucraina 160
SE - Svezia 156
GB - Regno Unito 103
VN - Vietnam 92
FR - Francia 77
CA - Canada 68
KR - Corea 47
RU - Federazione Russa 46
IN - India 26
IE - Irlanda 21
ID - Indonesia 14
SI - Slovenia 12
TR - Turchia 12
IR - Iran 8
HK - Hong Kong 7
JP - Giappone 7
MY - Malesia 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
ES - Italia 6
GR - Grecia 6
MX - Messico 6
NL - Olanda 6
BR - Brasile 5
RO - Romania 5
TH - Thailandia 5
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
DZ - Algeria 3
LT - Lituania 3
PL - Polonia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
TN - Tunisia 2
AU - Australia 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CO - Colombia 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
EE - Estonia 1
EU - Europa 1
IL - Israele 1
LB - Libano 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PH - Filippine 1
Totale 8.417
Città #
Jacksonville 746
Ann Arbor 718
Woodbridge 639
Houston 599
Fairfield 476
Chandler 417
Ashburn 380
Wilmington 268
Boardman 209
Singapore 206
Cambridge 181
Princeton 170
Santa Clara 151
Seattle 146
Medford 100
Dong Ket 92
Padova 92
Munich 78
Beijing 74
Nanjing 63
Des Moines 61
Mcallen 61
Montréal 54
Helsinki 49
San Diego 48
Belluno 36
New York 28
Roxbury 27
Milan 26
Venice 26
Mirano 23
Norwalk 23
Geumjeong-gu 22
Jiaxing 22
Crevacuore 21
Dublin 21
Shenyang 18
Washington 18
Guangzhou 15
Hebei 15
Salerno 15
Indiana 13
Nanchang 13
Redwood City 13
Duncan 12
Changsha 10
Rome 10
Jakarta 9
Tianjin 9
Bagnaria Arsa 6
Bologna 6
Los Angeles 6
Ogden 6
Shanghai 6
Sofia 6
Treviso 6
Aachen 5
Bhubaneswar 5
Bolzano 5
Kharkiv 5
Ljubljana 5
Petaling Jaya 5
Pune 5
Trieste 5
Bangkok 4
Bekasi 4
Borås 4
Cagliari 4
Culiacán 4
Dallas 4
Hamilton 4
Longueuil 4
Mapo-gu 4
Rockville 4
Tokyo 4
Verona 4
Yenibosna 4
Batna City 3
Berlin 3
Bielefeld 3
Erba 3
Evanston 3
Falls Church 3
Florence 3
Hong Kong 3
Kaunas 3
Kranj 3
Lancaster 3
Limena 3
London 3
Mumbai 3
Oleśnica 3
Palermo 3
Reggio Emilia 3
San Francisco 3
Thiene 3
Tower Hamlets 3
Wuppertal 3
Yeongdeungpo-gu 3
Agordo 2
Totale 6.725
Nome #
A new approach for robust design of injection moulding process based on the integration of FEM, RSM and stochastic simulations 306
Cold coiling of pre-hardened wire for suspension springs 178
Application of empirical modelling in multi-layers membrane manufacturing 146
Wear in hot and warm forging: design and validation of a new laboratory test 140
A combined DFMA and TRIZ approach to the simplification of product structure 136
Experimental and numerical analysis of the cold forming process of automotive suspension springs 134
FEM analysis of the forming process of automotive suspension springs 119
Tool cost estimating at the early stages of Cold forging 118
Set-up of radial-axial ring-rolling process: process worksheet and ring geometry expansion prediction 117
Integrated CAD/CAE system for cold forging in the automotive industry 116
An Integrated Approach in Design Tooling, Setting Up and Timing of Forging Transfer-Machines 114
Rheological Behaviour in Multi-Step Hot Forging Conditions 109
A new kinematic approach for process set-up and ring evolution prediction in RARR Process 108
Market value of recycled material mixes: a key parameter for designing for recycling 106
Analytic temperature evaluation and process forces estimation for the RARR process of flat rings 106
Rheological Behaviour in Multi-Step Hot Forging Conditions 104
Micro wire-drawing: experiments and modelling, 102
Advanced Analysis for Product Structure Simplification by TRIZ 100
Mathematical definition of the 3D strain field of the ring in the radial-axial ring rolling process 98
A virtual prototyping environment for a robust design of an injection moulding process 98
Thermo-mechanical fatigue life assessment of hot forging die steel 97
A fractional derivative model for single-link mechanism vibration 95
Physical Simulation Using Model Material for the Investigation of Hot-forging Operations 93
Analysis of Material Behaviour at High Strain Rates for Modeling Machining Processes 92
Determination of the Heat Transfer Coefficient in the Die-billet Zone for Nonisothermal Upset Forging Conditions 90
Complementary Aspects in Physical Simulation of Hot Forging Operations 89
Cold microforming of low carbon steel: wire drawing and hydrostatic extrusion 85
Hydrostatic microextrusion of steel and copper 84
Software development for 3D digitizing data in reverse engineering. 83
Machine timing integrated into an expert CAD/CAE system for cold forging technology 83
A model for the estimation of TMF life in hot forging 82
Enhancing performances of SHPB for determination of flow curves 82
A multiple approach based system for process planning in cold forging: some recent development and applications 81
An integrated CAD/CAE system for cold forging process design 81
Analysis of Material Behaviour at High Strain Rates for Modeling Machining Processes 81
Automotive Suspension Springs Cold Formed Using Pre-Hardened Wire_Part 1 The Industrial Case 81
A combined automatic and parametric approach in designing the tooling system in forging 80
Tool cost estimating at the early stages of cold forging process design 80
Micro wire drawing: effect of lubricant and analysis of the mechanical properties of steel and copper wires 79
Design of a wear test for hot and warm forging 78
Hardware developments for digitising data in the reverse engineering process 78
A combined DFMA and TRIZ approach to the design of satellite antennas 78
Analisi in frequenza con il metodo della massima entropia 77
Analysis of the cold forming process of suspension springs 76
Rapid manufacturing of injection moulded parts in real production material 74
Response surface modelling of thermo-mechanical fatigue in hot forging 72
Mechanical Characterisation of PA Al203 composites obtained by Selective Laser Sintering 72
Robust design by virtual prototyping of injection moulding process 71
Temperature estimation and slip-line force analytical models for the estimation of the radial forming force in the RARR process of flat rings 71
Development of an integrated CAD/CAE system for cold forging in the automotive industry 70
The scale in hot forging: experimental model of growth and its application to numerical simulation of the process 70
Application of neural networks to represent the rheological behaviour of nickel-based superalloys under varying hot deformation conditions 70
Investigation of the effects of thermal and mechanical fatigue of dies in hot forging through a new simulative laboratory test 70
Development of an experimental model for scale growth and its application to the numerical analysis of hot forming processes 69
Experimental investigation and numerical simulation on micro wire-drawing 69
Progetto, sviluppo e validazione di un modulo software per il timing di presse automatiche multistazione integrato in un sistema CAD/CAE per la tecnologia dello stampaggio a freddo 69
Early estimation of manufacturing cost for SLS tooling for injection moulding: a cost model. 68
Development of an expert system for process planning in the cold forging technology 68
Characterization of Ti and Ni Alloys for Hot Forging:Setting-up of an Experimental Procedure 67
Calibration of an FE code for numerical simulations of micro-wire drawing operations by integration of numerical and experimental techniques 65
Sulla rilevazione di discontinuità  in elementi strutturali tridimensionali per fini diagnostici 64
Metodi e modelli non parametrici applicati alla simulazione di processi di forgiatura 63
Positioning error prediction in boring machines 63
Analisi dinamica di veicoli su rotaia mediante modelli ad elementi finiti equivalenti 62
Virtual set up of multi-stage presses for forging technology integrated with process design 60
Analysis of the dynamic behaviour of a flywheel screw press 60
Analysis of the heat flow in the forging process 59
Experimental study for friction effect investigation on SHPB 57
Experimentation and modelling in micro drawing of low-carbon steel wires 57
Development of a computer-assisted environment for sequence design of cold forging technology 56
Integrating modal and vibro-acoustic analyses for modelling dynamic behaviour of machine tools. 55
Some progresses in physical simulation of forging operations: replicating thermal/mechanical history and evaluating force components 54
Design of an antropomorphic end effector 54
DOE techniques applied to the modelling of scale in hot forging and relevant effects on temperature distribution and forging load in the tooling system 54
The cooling of hot forging dies by spraying: set up of testing procedure and numerical analysis. 54
Improvements on simulation of the forging cycle 53
In the heat of the furnace 52
Design of a flanged ring produced by hot forming using FE analysis 52
FEM macht geldwerten Nutzen 51
Investigation of thermo-mechanical fatigue on a hot forging die steel using a new simulative test 50
A simulative test to investigate the thermo-mechanical fatigue of dies in hot forging, 50
La laminazione della lega AZ31: sviluppo e validazione del modello numerico. 50
A CAD/CAE module for the timing and setting up of multistage hot formers 49
Mechanical and SEM Characterisation of ABS Components obtained by Fused Deposition Modelling 49
Improvement of life prediction in H-11 tool steel by integration of thermo-mechanical fatigue and creep damage models 47
Part count reduction by TRIZ 46
Numerical modelling of hydrostatic microextrusion process 46
A buckling instability prediction model for the reliable design of sheet metal panels based on an artificial intelligent self-learning algorithm 46
Dual approach in modelling TMF life in hot forging dies 45
La Simulazione Fisica come Strumento di Progettazione di Prodotto e di Processo nella Tecnologia dello Stampaggio Massivo 44
Caratterizzazione degli stampi in lega Al 44
Introduzione alla metodologia DoE nella sperimentazione meccanica. Disegno sperimentale e superfici di risposta 44
Thermal and mechanical fatigue of dies in hot and warm forging: a new simulative laboratory test 44
Experimental investigation on the thermo-mechanical fatigue in hot- and warm- forging 43
Automotive Suspension Springs Cold Formed Using Pre-Hardened Wire_Part 2 Numerical Modelling of the Coiling Process 43
Collaborative research work in cold and warm forging at University of Padova, Teksid and Carraro within the EUREKA-FAMOS “EFFORT” project 42
Experimental evaluation and FE simulation of thermal cycles at tool surface during cooling and deformation phases in hot and warm forging operations 41
Application of the Finite Element Method to the Forming Process of a CV Joint 41
Totale 7.717
Categoria #
all - tutte 28.008
article - articoli 9.983
book - libri 156
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 273
patent - brevetti 105
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 8.125
Totale 46.650

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020553 0 0 0 0 0 0 61 120 76 147 66 83
2020/20211.070 27 76 25 103 23 100 14 90 225 77 150 160
2021/2022927 6 192 76 44 27 101 15 91 37 19 117 202
2022/20231.340 222 61 18 126 195 177 11 82 141 148 138 21
2023/2024739 36 62 45 41 51 157 39 45 72 21 82 88
2024/2025856 21 89 109 126 365 64 82 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 8.666