Università di Padova  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
[Guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute kidney injury syndromes: Italian version of KDIGO, integrated with new evidence and international commentaries] 2015 RONCO, CLAUDIONALESSO, FEDERICOPICCINNI, PASQUALEROMAGNOLI, STEFANOCERUTTI, STEFANIANERI, MAUROSARTORI, MARCO + GIORNALE ITALIANO DI NEFROLOGIA - -
Definitions and Conceptualization of Dose in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy 2015 NERI, MAUROSARTORI, MARCONALESSO, FEDERICORONCO, CLAUDIO + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
Description and in-vitro test results of a new Wearable/Portable device for extracorporeal blood ultrafiltration 2019 Boscariol P.Boschetti G.Dalla Via A.De Rossi N.Neri M.Palomba I.Richiedei D.Ronco C.Trevisani A. MACHINES - -
Design optimization of a safety clamp for portable medical devices 2017 Boscariol, P.Boschetti, G.Caracciolo, R.Neri, M.Richiedei, D.Ronco, C.Trevisani, Alberto INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MECHANICS AND CONTROL - -
Effect of percutaneous ventricular assist devices on renal function 2013 Virzi, GraziaBrocca, AlessandraSCALZOTTO, ELISANeri, MauroRonco, Claudio + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
In vitro Cytotoxicity of Bisphenol A in Monocytes Cell Line 2015 Neri, MauroBrocca, AlessandraNalesso, FedericoRonco, Claudio + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
In-vitro Evaluation of NGAL Extracorporeal Removal during Hemodialysis with High Cut-Off Membrane 2015 NERI, MAUROSARTORI, MARCOBROCCA, ALESSANDRAVIRZI', GRAZIA MARIANALESSO, FEDERICORONCO, CLAUDIO + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
New option for the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia: in vitro direct hemoperfusion with the Lixelle S-35. 2014 SARTORI, MARCONERI, MAURONALESSO, FEDERICOGIAVARINA, DAVIDEZANCATO, MIRELLARONCO, CLAUDIO + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL ORGANS - -
Nomenclature for renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: Basic principles 2016 NERI, MAUROBELLOMO, ELENA MARIA RITAFERRARI, FIORENZATREVISANI, ALBERTORONCO, CLAUDIOBALDUCCI, ALESSANDRO + CRITICAL CARE - -
oXirisNet Registry: A Prospective, National Registry on the oXiris Membrane 2019 Villa GDe Rosa SNeri MRomagnoli SRonco C + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
Pumps in wearable ultrafiltration devices: Pumps in wuf devices 2015 NERI, MAUROSARTORI, MARCORONCO, CLAUDIO + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
Quantification of Internal Filtration in Hollow Fiber Hemodialyzers with Medium Cut-Off Membrane 2018 Neri, MauroTodesco, Martina + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
Status of the Advanced Virgo gravitational wave detector 2017 Bazzan M.Bouffanais Y.Ghosh A.Lazzaro C.Neri M.Vardaro M. + INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A - -
The Importance of Simulation-Based Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Training in Nurse Education 2015 NERI, MAUROSARTORI, MARCORONCO, CLAUDIO + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
The Relationship Between Intra-Parenchymal Renal Resistive Index Variation and Renal Functional Reserve in Healthy Subjects 2021 Sara SamoniGianluca VillaSilvia De RosaMauro NeriMassimo De CalFederico NalessoClaudio Ronco + JN. JOURNAL OF NEPHROLOGY - -
Use of Fluoride as a Marker Solute to Quantify the Current Effective Delivered Dose in Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy: An “in vitro” Study 2020 Neri Mauro + BLOOD PURIFICATION - -
Wearable artificial kidney and wearable ultrafiltration device vascular access-future directions 2019 Neri MRonco C + CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL - -