Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale - DII
2-D Stabilized FIT Formulation for Eddy-Current Problems in Moving Conductors
2015 Lorenzo, Codecasa; Alotto, Piergiorgio
3D electromagnetic analysis of the MHD control system in RFX-mod upgrade
2017 Bettini, Paolo; Alotto, Piergiorgio; Bolzonella, Tommaso; Cavazzana, Roberto; Grando, Luca; Marchiori, Giuseppe; Marrelli, Lionello; Pigatto, Leonardo; Specogna, Ruben; Zanca, Paolo
A ''design of experiment'' and statistical approach to enhance the ''generalised response surface'' method in the optimisation of multiminima problems
1997 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Gaggero, M; Molinari, G; Nervi, M.
A 2D finite element procedure for magnetic analysis involving non-linear and hysteretic materials
1994 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Girdinio, P; Molfino, P.
A 3-D PEEC Formulation Based on the Cell Method for Full-Wave Analyses With Conductive, Dielectric, and Magnetic Media
2018 Torchio, R.; Alotto, P.; Bettini, P.; Voltolina, Dimitri; Moro, F.
A boundary integral formulation for eddy current problems based on the cell method
2008 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Gruosso, G; Moro, Federico; Repetto, M.
A boundary integral formulation on unstructured dual grids for eddy-current analysis in thin shields
2007 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Guarnieri, Massimo; Moro, Federico
A Cell Method Formulation of 3-D Electrothermomechanical Contact Problems With Mortar Discretization
2012 Moro, Federico; Alotto, Piergiorgio; Freschi, F; Guarnieri, Massimo
A cell method-based numerical model for resistance welding
2011 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Guarnieri, Massimo; Moro, Federico; Stella, Andrea
A combined advancing-front/Delaunay technique for the meshing of curved surfaces in 3D
2000 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Molfino, P; Molinari, G.
A combined approach for the stochastic optimisation of multiminima problems using adaptive fuzzy sets and Radial Basis Functions
1998 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Bertoni, A; Molinari, G; Nervi, M; Brandstaetter, B; Magele, C; Richter, Kr; Ragusa, C; Repetto, M.
A coupled electro-chemical model of a direct methanol fuel cell for portable electronic devices
2009 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Guarnieri, Massimo; Moro, Federico
A coupled thermo-electromagnetic formulation based on the cell method
2008 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Bullo, M; Guarnieri, Massimo; Moro, Federico
A DC to HF Volume PEEC Formulation Based on Hertz Potentials and the Cell Method
2019 Torchio, R; Alotto, P; Bettini, P; Voltolina, D; Moro, F
A deterministic multiobjective optimizer
2015 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Capasso, Giampaolo
A field-based finite element method for magnetostatics derived from an error minimization approach
2000 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Perugia, I.
A FIT formulation of bianisotropic materials over polyhedral grids
2014 Alotto, Piergiorgio; L., Codecasa
A fully coupled three-dimensional dynamic model of polymeric membranes for fuel cells
2010 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Guarnieri, Massimo; Moro, Federico
A Hybrid Multiobjective Differential Evolution Method for Electromagnetic Device Optimization
2011 Alotto, Piergiorgio
A mixed face-edge finite element formulation for 3D magnetostatic problems
1998 Alotto, Piergiorgio; Delfino, F; Molfino, P; Nervi, M; Perugia, I.