Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente - DAFNAE
A proteomic study of resistance to Brown Ring disease in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum
2020 Smits, M.; Artigaud, S.; Bernay, B.; Pichereau, V.; Bargelloni, L.; Paillard, C.
Depuration processes affect the Vibrio community in the microbiota of the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum
2020 Zampieri, Angela; Carraro, Lisa; Cardazzo, Barbara; Milan, Massimo; Babbucci, Massimiliano; Smits, Morgan; Boffo, Luciano; Fasolato, Luca
Development of genomic tools in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, to investigate resistance to major pathogens and potential selection for aquaculture.
2019 Smits, Morgan
Ecotoxicological effects of the herbicide glyphosate in non-target aquatic species: Transcriptional responses in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
2018 Milan, M.; Dalla Rovere, G.; Smits, Morgan; Ferraresso, S.; Pastore, P.; Marin, M. G.; Bogialli, S.; Patarnello, T.; Bargelloni, L.; Matozzo, V.
Ecotoxicological risk assessment for the herbicide glyphosate and its degradation product AMPA: analysis of host and microbiota response in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
2019 Milan, Massimo; Iori, Silvia; DALLA ROVERE, Giulia; Smits, Morgan; Ferraresso, Serena; Babbucci, Massimiliano; Marin, Maria; Masiero, Luciano; Fabrello, Jacopo; Carraro, Lisa; Cardazzo, Barbara; Patarnello, Tomaso; Matozzo, Valerio; Bargelloni, Luca
Host-microbiota interactions shed light on mortality events in the striped venus clam Chamelea gallina
2019 Milan, Massimo; Smits, Morgan; Dalla Rovere, Giulia; Iori, Silvia; Zampieri, Angela; Carraro, Lisa; Martino, Camillo; Papetti, Chiara; Ianni, Andrea; Ferri, Nicola; Iannaccone, Marco; Patarnello, Tomaso; Brunetta, Romina; Ciofi, Claudio; Grotta, Lisa; Arcangeli, Giuseppe; Bargelloni, Luca; Cardazzo, Barbara; Martino, Giuseppe
Long-lasting effects of chronic exposure to chemical pollution on the hologenome of the Manila clam
2021 Iannello, M.; Mezzelani, M.; Dalla Rovere, G.; Smits, M.; Patarnello, T.; Ciofi, C.; Carraro, L.; Boffo, L.; Ferraresso, S.; Babbucci, M.; Mazzariol, S.; Centelleghe, C.; Cardazzo, B.; Carrer, C.; Varagnolo, M.; Nardi, A.; Pittura, L.; Benedetti, M.; Fattorini, D.; Regoli, F.; Ghiselli, F.; Gorbi, S.; Bargelloni, L.; Milan, M.
Multi-tissue RNA-Seq Analysis and Long-read-based Genome Assembly Reveal Complex Sex-specific Gene Regulation and Molecular Evolution in the Manila Clam
2022 Xu, Ran; Martelossi, Jacopo; Smits, Morgan; Iannello, Mariangela; Peruzza, Luca; Babbucci, Massimiliano; Milan, Massimo; Dunham, Joseph P; Breton, Sophie; Milani, Liliana; Nuzhdin, Sergey V; Bargelloni, Luca; Passamonti, Marco; Ghiselli, Fabrizio
Multidisciplinary long-term survey of Manila clam grown in farming sites subjected to different environmental conditions
2023 Milan, M.; Bernardini, I.; Bertolini, C.; Dalla Rovere, G.; Manuzzi, A.; Pastres, R.; Peruzza, L.; Smits, M.; Fabrello, J.; Breggion, C.; Sambo, A.; Boffo, L.; Gallocchio, L.; Carrer, C.; Sorrentino, F.; Bettiol, C.; Lodigiulia, C.; Semenzin, E.; Varagnolo, M.; Matozzo, V.; Bargelloni, L.; Patarnello, T.
Potential for Genetic Improvement of Resistance to Perkinsus olseni in the Manila Clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, Using DNA Parentage Assignment and Mass Spawning
2020 Smits, M.; Enez, F.; Ferraresso, S.; Dalla Rovere, G.; Vetois, E.; Auvray, J. -F.; Genestout, L.; Mahla, R.; Arcangeli, G.; Paillard, C.; Haffray, P.; Bargelloni, L.
The effects of glyphosate and AMPA on the mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and its microbiota
2020 Iori, S.; Dalla Rovere, G.; Ezzat, L.; Smits, M.; Ferraresso, S.; Babbucci, M.; Marin, M. G.; Masiero, L.; Fabrello, J.; Garro, E.; Carraro, L.; Cardazzo, B.; Patarnello, T.; Matozzo, V.; Bargelloni, L.; Milan, M.