Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.480
EU - Europa 1.712
AS - Asia 938
SA - Sud America 35
OC - Oceania 17
AF - Africa 15
Totale 6.197
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.459
IT - Italia 990
SG - Singapore 434
CN - Cina 326
DE - Germania 107
FI - Finlandia 106
VN - Vietnam 74
FR - Francia 71
SE - Svezia 68
GB - Regno Unito 62
NL - Olanda 61
RU - Federazione Russa 61
AT - Austria 36
IN - India 33
HK - Hong Kong 31
BR - Brasile 22
CA - Canada 21
PT - Portogallo 21
UA - Ucraina 20
IE - Irlanda 18
ES - Italia 17
AU - Australia 14
SI - Slovenia 12
DK - Danimarca 11
CH - Svizzera 10
BE - Belgio 9
AR - Argentina 8
MY - Malesia 8
ID - Indonesia 6
JP - Giappone 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
KR - Corea 5
PL - Polonia 5
CO - Colombia 4
DZ - Algeria 4
HR - Croazia 4
IR - Iran 4
NO - Norvegia 4
UG - Uganda 4
ET - Etiopia 3
NC - Nuova Caledonia 3
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 3
TR - Turchia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
GR - Grecia 2
IL - Israele 2
RO - Romania 2
RS - Serbia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AM - Armenia 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
NG - Nigeria 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 6.197
Città #
Fairfield 416
Padova 366
Woodbridge 326
Singapore 303
Chandler 261
Ashburn 256
Santa Clara 204
Cambridge 194
Ann Arbor 189
Houston 163
Boardman 152
Seattle 148
Wilmington 144
Princeton 108
Medford 107
Des Moines 79
Beijing 77
Dong Ket 73
Helsinki 62
Milan 49
Nanjing 45
San Diego 45
Rome 40
Cremona 32
Hong Kong 29
Roxbury 23
Jinan 20
Shenyang 19
Vienna 18
Dublin 17
Mantova 14
Turin 14
Nanchang 13
Venice 13
Wageningen 12
Copenhagen 11
Lviv 10
Šoštanj 9
Changsha 8
Hebei 8
Mödling 8
Norwalk 8
Riese Pio X 8
Shanghai 8
The Hague 8
Trieste 8
Vicenza 8
Azzanello 7
Bern 7
Göttingen 7
Indiana 7
London 7
Mezzolombardo 7
New York 7
Solesino 7
Treviso 7
Zoetermeer 7
Berlin 6
Carpi 6
Dallas 6
Florence 6
Jiaxing 6
Kharkiv 6
Lappeenranta 6
Lisbon 6
Los Angeles 6
Meylan 6
Naples 6
Nuremberg 6
Ogden 6
Scherpenzeel 6
Banbury 5
Brasília 5
Cagliari 5
Campi Bisenzio 5
Crawley 5
Hangzhou 5
Legnaro 5
Montemor-o-Velho 5
Roana 5
Romano d'Ezzelino 5
Tianjin 5
Uppsala 5
Barcelona 4
Bari 4
Blida 4
Borås 4
Bremen 4
Camerino 4
Castelverde 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Glasgow 4
Krakow 4
Kuala Lumpur 4
León 4
Linz 4
Madrid 4
Mahbubnagar 4
Mestre 4
Oppenweiler 4
Totale 4.415
Nome #
Using forest management to control invasive alien species: helping implement the new European regulation on invasive alien species 130
City Nature Challenge: an effective Citizen Science approach for monitoring urban biodiversity 116
Ecological risk and accessibility analysis to assess the impact of roads under Habitats Directive 114
Abandonment of timber harvesting favours European beech over silver fir: evidence from Val Tovanella Nature Reserve in the southern Dolomites (Northern Italy) 114
Altitudinal Shift of Tetrao urogallus in an Alpine Natura 2000 Site: Implications for Habitat Restoration 112
Synergies of planning for forests and planning for Natura 2000: Evidences and prospects from northern Italy 110
Indicators for the planning and management of urban green spaces: A focus on public areas in Padua, Italy 109
Multi-scale analysis of alpine landscapes with different intensities of abandonment reveals similar spatial pattern changes: implications for habitat conservation 106
Salamandra atra aurorae Trevisan habitat and forest management 104
Wildlife conservation through forestry abandonment: responses of beetle communities to habitat change in the Eastern Alps 104
Boschi selvatici, occasione di rigenerazione urbana 104
A new European regulation on invasive alien species and its importance for forestry 96
Trade-offs between carbon stocks and biodiversity in European temperate forests 95
Biodiversità comparata tra boschi di robinia e boschi di specie autoctone nell’Italia nord-orientale 93
Pianificazione forestale di indirizzo territoriale - Comunità Montana della Valle del Boite 91
A new European Regulation on invasive alien species and its importance for forestry 91
General, stress relief and perceived safety preferences for green spaces in the historic city of Padua (Italy) 91
Obiettivi di copertura arborea e servizi ecosistemici nella città di Padova 90
Exploring patterns, drivers and structure of plant community composition in alien Robinia pseudoacacia secondary woodlands 89
Novel woodland patches in a small historical Mediterranean city: Padova, Northern Italy 85
Forest habitat management and conservation priorities: a multi-scale and multi-taxon approach 83
Adaptation of multiple-use forest management to climate change in a southern Alpine district. Pilot activity in Boite Valley 81
Adaptation of multiple-use forest management to climate change in a southern Alpine district 81
Plant species diversity in alien black locust stands: A paired comparison with native stands across a north-Mediterranean range expansion 79
Spontaneous natural redevelopment of urban voids in small cities: planning challenges from transient woodlands 77
A miscellany of traditional management techniques of woody field margins on the Po Plain, Italy: implications for biodiversity conservation 74
Effects of Robinia pseudoacacia in Natura 2000 sites in Italy: a comparison with Castanea sativa woods 74
Boschi e siepi rurali planiziali: riflessioni alla luce della pianificazione regionale e della rete Natura 2000 73
Relationships between native and alien vascular flora and landscape complexity in the province of Padova (North Italy) 73
Forest-bird relationships within two differently managed Natura 2000 alpine sites: an application of the bioacoustics approach at small scale 73
Forest management and planning as an opportunity to control invasive alien tree species in Europe 72
Alien tree species invading European landscapes: the case of black locust in north-eastern Italy 68
The invasion of abandoned fields by a major alien tree filters understory plant traits in novel forest ecosystems 66
Perception and use of various urban green spaces in Padova (Northern Italy) 64
Identifying Habitat Type Conservation Priorities under the Habitats Directive: Application to Two Italian Biogeographical Regions 64
The landscape services of urban spontaneous forests in Padova (north-eastern Italy) 64
Congruence across taxa and spatial scales: Are we asking too much of species data? 63
Handbook of sampling for multi-taxon biodiversity studies in European forests 62
The importance of monumental and protected urban trees: a comparison between different European contexts 60
Forests expansion in the eastern Italian Alps occurs regardless management has been explicitly abandoned 59
A district-level approach to climate and land use change adaptation strategies in forest landscape management 56
Maximising carbon stock and multi-taxa diversity in European temperate forests: can we fill two needs with one deed? 56
Ecosystem changes induced by Robinia pseudoacacia: results from invaded landscapes in the Veneto Region 56
Five major invasive alien tree species in European Union forest habitat types of the Alpine and Continental biogeographical regions 55
Unlocking the environmental impact of rail traffic: insight and remediation potential of black locust linear systems 52
Natura 2000 e paesaggio euganeo. Habitat sotto la lente 52
On recent secondary stands of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and their plant diversity in a north-eastern Italian region - Poster 51
Contrasting multi-taxa diversity patterns between abandoned and non-intensively managed forests in the southern Dolomites 51
Integrating spontaneous urban woodlands into the green infrastructure: Unexploited opportunities for urban regeneration 51
Vascular plants as indicators of species diversity in European temperate forests: are they effective for multiple taxa at multiple scales 50
Combined effects on plant trait composition and soil properties by an alien tree species: perspectives from a black locust case study 49
Alien tree species and plant diversity in urban and peri-urban environments: the case of black locust 49
On recent secondary stands of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and their plant diversity in a north-eastern Italian region 47
Effetti dell'abbandono della gestione forestale sull'avifauna nelle abetine miste: un caso di studio nelle Alpi Orientali 47
Metodo e sintesi dei risultati ottenuti nella redazione del PAF "Prioritised Action Framework" per la conservazione della biodiversità nella rete Natura 2000 del Veneto 47
Assessing the presence and species richness of owls and woodpeckers through bioacoustics in two differently managed Alpine forests 47
Novel Robinia pseudoacacia stands on abandoned lands: effects of invasion in northeastern Italy 44
The Role of Citizen Science in Interpreting Biodiversity Related Landscape Services in Wild Urban Woodlands 44
Ricerca di nessi causa-effetto tra fattori socio-economici ed espansione della robinia in Italia 44
Altitudinal and habitat selection of capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: an assessment of change after ten years in the Scanuppia reserve (Central Alps, Northern Italy) 43
Monumental trees and tree-related microhabitats: their biodiversity value for urban areas of Veneto 43
Comparing ecohydrological processes in alien vs. native ranges: perspectives from the endangered shrub Myricaria germanica 42
Exploring the biotic homogenization and diversity resistance hypotheses: The understorey of non-native and native woodland canopies in three urban areas of Europe 42
Woodlands and hedgerows of the Po plain: planning instruments and policies implications on biodiversity conservation 42
More than trees: a European scientific network to assess the relationships between forest structural heterogeneity, multi-taxon biodiversity, and carbon storage 41
Citizen science data to measure human use of green areas and forests in European cities 40
Effetti dell'abbandono della gestione sull'avifauna: un caso nelle abetine miste 39
Abundant non-native tree species in Europe: traits and effects on ecosystems 39
Relations between perceived stress-relief and safety and green infrastructure features in a historical urban landscape 39
Sweet chestnut forests under black locust invasion threat and different management: An assessment of stand structure and biodiversity 38
Research on bird conservation and Natura 2000: a review 38
Indagando le relazioni tra la diffusione di Robinia pseudoacacia L. e la geomorfologia fluviale lungo il Piave in Val Belluna 37
Using bioacoustics to assess the presence and species richness of owls and woodpeckers in two differently managed Alpine forests 37
Birds in education: innovative learning methods for capacity building in nature conservation 37
Il paesaggio silvo-pastorale: cambiamenti, memoria e gestione 36
Permeabilità del paesaggio all’espansione delle specie arboree esotiche invasive: fattori climatici, socioeconomici e territoriali 35
Global guidelines for the sustainable use of non-native trees to prevent tree invasions and mitigate their negative impacts 35
Validating forest biodiversity indicators with multi–taxonomic data: An Europe–wide analysis 34
La funzione della pianificazione forestale nella redazione delle misure di conservazione dei siti Natura 2000 34
Half Earth or Whole Earth: What Can Natura 2000 Teach Us? 34
The role of Natura 2000 in relation to breeding birds decline on multiple land cover types and policy implications 34
Indicators for managing and planning urban green spaces: a case study in Padova (Northern Italy) 33
Accessibility to urban parks: Comparing GIS based measures in the city of Padova (Italy) 33
Forest management plans as data source for the assessment of the conservation status of European Union habitat types 32
Relazione di incidenza ai sensi della Dir. 92/43/CEE e della L.P. 11/2007 della variante 2012 al Piano integrato di viabilità forestale elaborato per i versanti anauni del Parco 32
Dimension and determinants of urban canopy cover (UTC) in cities of north-eastern Italy 30
Supporting the conservation and management of riverscapes: the case of the LIFE Brenta 2030 project 30
Italian monumental trees and biodiversity: a focus on origin and landscape settings 29
Individuazione delle azioni prioritarie strategiche per la conservazione della biodiversità nella rete Natura 2000 del Veneto attraverso il PAF "Prioritised Action Framework" 29
Boschi di neoformazione in Italia: approfondimenti conoscitivi e orientamenti gestionali 29
Relazione fra avifauna e caratteristiche dei popolamenti forestali: implicazioni per la gestione delle foreste montane 28
Il monitoraggio di habitat e specie nel progetto LIFE Brenta 2030: da strumento di verifica ad approfondimento conoscitivo 28
Attività di formazione per la gestione delle specie esotiche invasive vegetali in Veneto 28
Usmeritve za gospodarjenje z gozdovi in sodelovanje z lastni i gozdov na območjih Nature 2000 elostni pristop za italijanske gozdove 28
Competenze tecnico-pratiche e metodi innovativi di apprendimento per la conservazione della natura: il Progetto ERASMUS WILDSKILLS EU 27
Widely-spread invasive alien tree species and their effects on plant biodiversity 27
I cambiamenti d'uso del suolo nelle città: artefici di paesaggi e boschi non ufficiali 27
Planning for landscape connectivity: the prioritised action frameworks for Natura 2000 in the European Alps 26
Handbook of field sampling for multi-taxon biodiversity studies in European forests 25
Revisiting Vegetation Gradient Analysis and the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis for the Interpretation of Riverine Geomorphic Patterns 24
Totale 5.786
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.120
article - articoli 11.983
book - libri 1.030
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 239
Totale 40.372

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020404 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 75 70 142 91 26
2020/2021557 27 28 33 39 22 13 31 34 58 108 54 110
2021/2022833 12 152 63 45 22 61 26 61 49 26 44 272
2022/2023817 204 30 6 52 119 112 10 60 120 27 41 36
2023/2024885 41 103 58 94 66 57 97 67 40 46 84 132
2024/20251.522 71 256 190 215 420 82 220 68 0 0 0 0
Totale 6.399