Settore Laboratori di ricerca e didattica "Stecche"-DAFNAE  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
'Artificial sensory analysis' for sensory classification of Prosecco sparkling wines 2015 FRANCESCHI, DEBORAHVINCENZI, SIMONEBOATTO, VASCO LADISLAOBRAVI, MARCO + CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS - -
Analisi sensoriale e strategie di marketing: un approccio innovativo applicato ai vini monovitigno Chardonnay e Cabernet Sauvignon 2014 GALLETTO, LUIGICRAPISI, ANTONELLAFRANCESCHI, DEBORAH + - - Progetto WINENET Rete di cooperazione per il miglioramento delle qualità della filiera vitivinicola con soluzioni innovative
Antioxidant extraction and bioactivity preservation from winery by-products by natural deep eutectic solvents (NaDES) 2020 Franceschi D.Vincenzi S. + CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS - -
Can sensory analysis and e-noses support the assessment work behind DOC and DOCG wines? 2017 Franceschi, DeborahVincenzi, SimoneBoatto, Vasco L.Bravi, Marco CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS - -
Characterisation of the foams of Prosecco sparkling wines in the actual conditions of pouring and their sensorial evaluation 2005 FRANCESCHI DCURIONI, ANDREA + - - -
Do consumers really recognise a distinct quality hierarchy amongst PDO sparkling wines? The answer from experimental auctions 2021 Luigi GallettoLuigino BarisanDeborah FranceschiMarica Lillo + BRITISH FOOD JOURNAL - -
From vineyard to glass: Measuring consumers’ willingness to pay for innovative rootstock-produced wine through an experimental auction 2024 Barisan L.Galletto L.Franceschi D. + JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION - -
Indagine conoscitiva del profilo sensoriale del Prosecco nel nuovo areale DOC 2011 Franceschi D.ROSSETTO, LUCABOATTO, VASCO LADISLAO + - - VII Enoforum
Inhibition of bitartrate potassium salt crystallization by wine macromolecules can be studied in reconstitution experiments. 2007 FRANCESCHI DVINCENZI, SIMONEMARANGON, MATTEOCURIONI, ANDREA + - - Macromolecules and secondary metabolites of grapevine and wine.
Is wine perception influenced by sustainability information? Insights from a consumer experiment with fungus resistant grape and organic wines 2024 Barisan L.Franceschi D.Pomarici E.Galletto L. + FOOD RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL - -
Marketing sensoriale: un’App per la degustazione. 2015 Franceschi D.Galletto L. + VIGNEVINI - -
Pinot grigio, 17 CLONI A CONFRONTO, per orientare la scelta 2023 Deborah FranceschiAlessandro Zanchin + VITE & VINO - -
Studio degli effetti della concimazione sulla componente aromatica e sul profilo sensoriale di mosacto giallo e Glera 2016 MEGGIO, FRANCOVINCENZI, SIMONEFRANCESCHI, DEBORAHFLAMINI, RICCARDORUPERTI, BENEDETTOPITACCO, ANDREA - - Atti delle XI giornate scientifiche SOI
Umami in Wine: Impact of Glutamate Concentration and Contact with Lees on the Sensory Profile of Italian White Wines 2023 Franceschi, DLomolino, GVincenzi, SDe Iseppi, A + BEVERAGES - -