Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione - DEI  

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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autori Rivista Serie Titolo libro
A combined GLR/Kalman filter technique for fault detection in power systems 1997 BEGHI, ALESSANDROBERTOCCO, MATTEO - - Proc. XIV Imeko World Congress, vol. Xa
A comparison between Zernike and PCA representation of atmospheric turbulence 2007 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMASIERO, ANDREA - - Proc. of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2007), New Orleans, LA, USA
A comparison of Kalman filter based algorithms for turbulent phase control in an adaptive optics system 2008 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMARAN, FABIOMASIERO A. - - Proceedings of the 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
A Computer Vision-inspired Deep Learning Architecture for Virtual Metrology modeling with 2-Dimensional Data 2018 Marco MaggipintoMatteo TerziA. BeghiG. A. Susto + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SEMICONDUCTOR MANUFACTURING - -
A Convolutional Autoencoder Approach for Feature Extraction in Virtual Metrology 2018 Marco MaggipintoChiara MasieroA. BeghiG. A. Susto PROCEDIA MANUFACTURING - -
A data-driven approach for fault diagnosis in HVAC chiller systems 2015 BEGHI, ALESSANDROBRIGNOLI, RICCARDOCECCHINATO, LUCARAMPAZZO, MIRCO + - - 2015 IEEE Conference on Control and Applications, CCA 2015 - Proceedings
A Deep Convolutional Autoencoder-Based Approach for Anomaly Detection With Industrial, Non-Images, 2-Dimensional Data: A Semiconductor Manufacturing Case Study 2022 Maggipinto, MarcoBeghi, AlessandroSusto, Gian Antonio IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUTOMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - -
A deep learning approach for anomaly detection with industrial time series data: a refrigerators manufacturing case study 2019 Mattia Carlettichiara MasieroAlessandro BeghiGian Antonio Susto PROCEDIA MANUFACTURING - -
A deep learning-based approach to anomaly detection with 2-dimensional data in manufacturing 2019 Maggipinto M.Beghi A.Susto G. A. - IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN)
A dynamic inversion approach to motorcycle trajectory exploration 2010 BEGHI, ALESSANDRO + - - Proceedings of the Bicycle and Motorcycle Dynamics Symposium, BMD2010
A dynamic model for the thermal-hygrometric simulation of buildings 2008 BEGHI, ALESSANDRODE CARLI, MICHELE + - - Proceedings of the 2008 IFAC World Conference
A fast implementation of MPC-based motion cueing algorithms for mid-size road vehicle motion simulators 2017 BRUSCHETTA, MATTIAMARAN, FABIOBEGHI, ALESSANDRO VEHICLE SYSTEM DYNAMICS - -
A fast nonlinear model predictive control strategy for real-time motion control of mechanical systems 2017 Chen, YutaoCuccato, DavideBruschetta, MattiaBeghi, Alessandro - - IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, AIM
A hidden-Gamma model-based filtering and prediction approach for monotonic health factors in manufacturing 2018 Susto, Gian AntonioBeghi, AlessandroDe Nicolao, Giuseppe + CONTROL ENGINEERING PRACTICE - -
A Learning-Based Nonlinear Model Predictive Controller for a Real Go-Kart Based on Black-Box Dynamics Modeling Through Gaussian Processes 2023 Enrico PicottiEnrico MionAlberto Dalla LiberaAlessandro BeghiMattia Bruschetta + IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CONTROL SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY - -
A Machine Learning-based Soft Sensor for Laundry Load Fabric Typology Estimation in Household Washer-Dryers 2019 Gian Antonio SustoGiuliano ZamboninMirco RampazzoAlessandro Beghi + IFAC PAPERSONLINE - IFAC Papers on-line
A Markov-Random-Field-based approach to modeling and prediction of atmospheric turbulence 2008 BEGHI, ALESSANDROCENEDESE, ANGELOMASIERO, ANDREA - - Proc. of the 16th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation
A motion cueing algorithm with look-Ahead and driver characterization: Application to vertical car dynamics 2018 Bruschetta, MattiaCENEDESE, CARLOBeghi, AlessandroMaran, Fabio IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS - -
A multi-label Continual Learning framework to scale deep learning approaches for packaging equipment monitoring 2023 Dalle Pezze, DavideMasiero, ChiaraBeghi, AlessandroSusto, Gian Antonio + ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - -
A Multi-label Continual Learning Framework to Scale Deep Learning Approaches for Packaging Equipment Monitoring 2023 D. Dalle PezzeC. MasieroA. BeghiG. A. Susto + ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - Proceedings of the 2022 European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery (ECML-PKDD)