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A methodological approach to compare continuous and instantaneous sampling and two methods to deal with animals out of sight on dairy cattle behavior and interaction with their calf in the first hours post-partum 2024 Manfrè, ClaudiaSimonetto, AlbertoContiero, BarbaraServa, LorenzoNormando, SimonaBrscic, Marta + FRONTIERS IN VETERINARY SCIENCE - -
Confronto fra alcuni parametri ruminali di bufalini, bovini e ovini alimentati con diete diverse 1994 BITTANTE, GIOVANNIRAMANZIN, MAURIZIOBAILONI, LUCIASIMONETTO, ALBERTO + AGRICOLTURA RICERCA - -
Crossbred young bulls and heifers sired by double-muscled Piemontese or Belgian Blue bulls exhibit different effects of sexual dimorphism on fattening performance and muscularity but not on meat quality traits 2018 Bittante, GiovanniCecchinato, AlessioTagliapietra, FrancoVerdiglione, RinaSimonetto, AlbertoSchiavon, Stefano MEAT SCIENCE - -
Effect of fermentation on physical properties and sedimentation of forage particles. 1994 RAMANZIN M.BAILONI L.BITTANTE G.SIMONETTO A. + - - Effect of fermentation on physical properties and sedimentation of forage particles.
Effect of physical treatment of maize and rbST injection on rumen fermentations and milk production in dairy cows 1994 RAMANZIN M.BAILONI L.BITTANTE G.SIMONETTO A. + - - Proceeding of the 45th Annual Meeting EAAP
Effect of proteinate or sulphate mineral sources on trace elements in blood and liver of piglets 2000 SCHIAVON, STEFANOBAILONI, LUCIARAMANZIN, MAURIZIOSIMONETTO, ALBERTOBITTANTE, GIOVANNI + ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Effects of delayed food distribution on the behaviour and cortisol levels of dairy cows 2005 NORMANDO, SIMONA ROSARIA CARLABAILONI, LUCIAGABAI, GIANFRANCOSIMONETTO, ALBERTOBONO, GABRIELE - - Proceedings of the XXIX International Ethological Conference
Effects of fat supplementations on milk production and composition, ruminal and plasma parameters of dairy cows 2007 TAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSCHIAVON, STEFANOSIMONETTO ADAL MASO MBAILONI, LUCIA ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Effetto del carico elettrolitico sulle ingestioni e sulle escrezioni idriche di suini in accrescimento 1997 SCHIAVON, STEFANORAMANZIN, MAURIZIOSIMONETTO, ALBERTO + - - Atti XII Convegno Nazionale ASPA
Effetto del prelievo e della preparazione e conservazione dei campioni sulle caratteristiche fisiche del liquido ruminale. 1999 SIMONETTO, ALBERTOBAILONI, LUCIASCHIAVON, STEFANORAMANZIN, MAURIZIO - - Atti del LIII Convegno Nazionale S.I.S.Vet., Montecatini Terme (PT)
Effetto della dieta, della densità e delle dimensioni sul transito ruminale di particelle inerti 1997 BAILONI L.RAMANZIN M.SIMONETTO A.BITTANTE G. + - - Atti 12 Congresso Nazionale ASPA,
Fatty Acid Composition of Lamb Liver, Muscle, and Adipose Tissues in Response to Rumen-Protected Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplementation is Tissue Dependent 2017 Schiavon, StefanoBergamaschi, MatteoPellattiero, ErikaSimonetto, AlbertoTagliapietra, Franco JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY - -
Feeding dairy cows with full fat extruded or toasted soybeans seeds as repalcement of soybean meal and effects on milk yield, fatty acid profile and CLA content 2004 BAILONI, LUCIABORTOLOZZO, ALESSIAMANTOVANI, ROBERTOSIMONETTO A.SCHIAVON, STEFANOBITTANTE, GIOVANNI ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Garlic (Allium sativum L.) fed to dairy cows does not modify the cheese-making properties of milk but affects the color, texture, and flavor of ripened cheese 2018 Rossi, GiuliaSchiavon, StefanoLomolino, GiovannaCipolat-Gotet, ClaudioSimonetto, AlbertoBittante, GiovanniTagliapietra, Franco JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE - -
Growth performance and N excretion of double muscled Piemontese bulls fed low protein rations with or without the addition of rumen protected conjugated linoleic acid 2009 Dal Maso MSCHIAVON, STEFANOTAGLIAPIETRA, FRANCOSimonetto ABITTANTE, GIOVANNI ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Growth performance, carcase characteristics and meat quality of crossbred bulls and heifers from double-muscled Belgian Blue sires and Brown Swiss, Simmental and Rendena dams 2018 Tagliapietra, FrancoSimonetto, AlbertoSchiavon, Stefano ITALIAN JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE - -
Influence of the suppression of dry period on several blood and milk markers in dairy cows 2007 GABAI, GIANFRANCOBAILONI, LUCIASIMONETTO, ALBERTO + MILCHWISSENSCHAFT - -
Prime osservazioni sulla produzione di latte e sui parametri metabolici di bovine sottoposte a lattazione continua 2002 MANTOVANI, ROBERTOBAILONI, LUCIAGABAI, GIANFRANCOMARINELLI, LIETASIMONETTO, ALBERTOBITTANTE, GIOVANNI - - Atti della Società  Italiana delle Scienze Veterinarie
Studio preliminare sulla sovrapposizione e sull'uso dell'habitat da parte di camoscio (Rupicapra rupicapra) e muflone (Ovis orientalis musimon) nel Parco Nazionale Dolomiti Bellunesi. 1998 RAMANZIN, MAURIZIOCONTIERO, BARBARASIMONETTO, ALBERTO + - - II Congresso Italiano di Teriologia. Varese (Italy)