Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 6.016
EU - Europa 531
AS - Asia 359
SA - Sud America 14
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 6.925
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 6.015
CN - Cina 277
FI - Finlandia 146
IT - Italia 104
SE - Svezia 102
VN - Vietnam 65
GB - Regno Unito 57
UA - Ucraina 51
DE - Germania 45
CL - Cile 10
IE - Irlanda 5
JP - Giappone 5
BR - Brasile 4
EU - Europa 4
TR - Turchia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
HK - Hong Kong 3
HU - Ungheria 3
NL - Olanda 3
ES - Italia 2
HR - Croazia 2
IN - India 2
PT - Portogallo 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AM - Armenia 1
BE - Belgio 1
CA - Canada 1
GR - Grecia 1
IL - Israele 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
MA - Marocco 1
NO - Norvegia 1
SI - Slovenia 1
Totale 6.925
Città #
Fairfield 1.037
Woodbridge 786
Houston 598
Ann Arbor 528
Ashburn 460
Chandler 451
Seattle 366
Wilmington 333
Cambridge 331
Jacksonville 206
Princeton 119
San Diego 107
Medford 78
Beijing 73
Dong Ket 65
Nanjing 65
Helsinki 58
Padova 58
Des Moines 56
Roxbury 48
Boardman 37
Shenyang 26
Hebei 17
Changsha 15
Nanchang 15
Falls Church 14
Norwalk 13
Indiana 12
New York 12
Phoenix 12
Tianjin 11
Jiaxing 10
London 10
Santiago 8
Guangzhou 6
Ningbo 6
Tappahannock 6
Columbus 5
Dublin 5
Jinan 5
Tokyo 5
Fremont 4
Kilburn 4
Redwood City 4
Washington 4
Yenibosna 4
Zhengzhou 4
Borås 3
Hong Kong 3
Islington 3
Milan 3
Ogden 3
San Francisco 3
Acton 2
Alessandria 2
Arzano 2
Bologna 2
Coimbatore 2
Collecchio 2
Dalian 2
Debrecen 2
Fuzhou 2
Hangzhou 2
Kharkiv 2
Lanzhou 2
Las Vegas 2
Lisbon 2
Livorno 2
L’Aquila 2
Mestre 2
Montano Lucino 2
Niterói 2
Prescot 2
Rivignano 2
San Sebastiano al Vesuvio 2
Stockholm 2
São Paulo 2
Yellow Springs 2
Zagreb 2
Albuquerque 1
Bristol 1
Budapest 1
Buffalo 1
Coriano 1
Falkenstein 1
Geislingen an der Steige 1
Groningen 1
Haifa 1
Hounslow 1
Krasnoyarsk 1
Kunming 1
Lappeenranta 1
Modica 1
Monmouth Junction 1
Munich 1
New Bedfont 1
Nürnberg 1
Oslo 1
Redmond 1
Rockville 1
Totale 6.188
Nome #
Lactobacillus crispatus M247-Derived H2O2 Acts as a Signal Transducing Molecule Activating Peroxisome Proliferator Activated Receptor-γ in the Intestinal Mucosa 138
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping Project. VII. Understanding the Ultraviolet Anomaly in NGC 5548 with X-Ray Spectroscopy 115
Nuclear stellar discs in low-luminosity elliptical galaxies: NGC 4458 and 4478 113
Nuclear stellar disks in spiral galaxies 109
Properties and formation mechanism of the stellar counter-rotating components in NGC 4191 101
Stellar population in bulge of spiral galaxies 100
Evidence for the formation of the young counter-rotating stellar disk from gas acquired by IC 719 100
Disentangling the stellar populations of the counter-rotating stellar disc in NGC 5719 99
Radio continuum observations of the candidate supermassive black hole in the dwarf elliptical VCC 128 98
No evidence for small disk-like bulges in a sample of late-type spirals 98
Multiband photometric decomposition of nuclear stellar disks 97
The ultraviolet flare at the center of the elliptical galaxy NGC 4278 97
Chemical evolution of bulges of spiral galaxies: environmental and morphological influence 96
A catalogue of nuclear stellar velocity dispersions of nearby galaxies from  Hα STIS spectra to constrain supermassive black hole masses 96
BL Lacertae identifications in a ROSAT-selected sample ofFermiunidentified objects 95
Fossil group origins: IX. Probing the formation of fossil galaxy groups with stellar population gradients of their central galaxies 92
The ultraviolet flare at the center of the elliptical galaxy NGC 4278 92
Light curves of type Ia supernovae from near the time of explosion 91
Gas-phase metallicity of 27 galaxies at intermediate redshift 91
Spectroscopic evidence of distinct stellar populations in the counter-rotating stellar disks of NGC 3593 and NGC 4550 91
Accurate classification of 75 counterparts of objects detected in the 54-month Palermo Swift/BAT hard X-ray catalogue 91
The external origin of the polar gaseous disk of the S0 galaxy IC 5181 91
The Fornax 3D project: Dust mix and gas properties in the centre of early-type galaxy FCC 167 91
A census of nuclear stellar discs in early-type galaxies 90
Dating the formation of the counter-rotating stellar disc in the spiral galaxy NGC 5719 by disentangling its stellar populations 89
The young nuclear stellar disc in the SB0 galaxy NGC 1023 88
Space Telescope and Optical Reverberation Mapping project. V. Optical spectroscopic campaign and emission-line analysis for NGC 5548 88
The intrinsic shape and dynamical structure of the bulges of lenticular galaxies 88
Stringent limits on the masses of the supermassive black holes in seven nearby galaxies 87
Beneficial effect of auto-aggregating Lactobacillus crispatus on experimentally induced colitis in mice. 86
Constraining the luminosity function of faint undetected i-dropout galaxies 85
Counter-rotating disks in galaxies: Dissecting kinematics and stellar populations with 3D spectroscopy 85
Aggregating phenotype in Lactobacillus ctispatus determines intestinal colonization and TLR2 and TLR4 modulation in murine colonic mucosa 85
Minor-axis velocity gradients in disk galaxies 84
Revealing the Nature of New Unidentified Integral Sources 84
Stellar populations of bulges in 14 cluster disc galaxies 83
The AGN Nature of 11 out of 12Swift/RXTEUnidentified Sources through Optical and X‐Ray Spectroscopy 83
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy 82
Searching for nuclear stellar discs in simulations of star cluster mergers 82
VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV): The public ESO near-IR variability survey of the Milky Way 81
Spectral identification of an ancient supernova using light echoes in the Large Magellanic Cloud 80
The difference in age of the two counter-rotating stellar disks of the spiral galaxy NGC 4138 80
Study of the stellar population properties in the discs of ten spiral galaxies 80
Stellar populations in the bulges of isolated galaxies 80
Structure and dynamics of galaxies with a low surface-brightness disc - II. Stellar populations of bulges 79
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy 79
The Fornax 3D project: Unveiling the thick disk origin in FCC 170; Possible signs of accretion 78
On the observational diagnostics to separate classical and disk-like bulges 78
Stellar population in bulge of spiral galaxies 78
Accurate classification of 17 AGNs detected with Swift/BAT 76
The Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) spectral library: spectral diagnostics for cool stars 73
News from bulges hosted by low surface brightness galaxies 73
Accurate classification of 29 objects detected in the 39 month PalermoSwift/BAT hard X-ray catalogue 73
The Binary Nucleus in VCC 128: A Candidate Supermassive Black Hole in a Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy 72
Early-type galaxies in the near-infrared: 1.5-2.4 μm spectroscopy 71
Stellar populations of disc galaxies: from the center of the bulge to the edge of the disc 70
Nuclear stellar disks in spiral galaxies 70
Pushing the Boundaries of Conventional Core-collapse Supernovae: The Extremely Energetic Supernova SN 2003ma 70
Kinematic and stellar population properties of the counter-rotating components in the S0 galaxy NGC 1366 70
Structure and dynamics of galaxies with a low surface-brightness disc - I. The stellar and ionized-gas kinematics 68
Stellar population in bulge of spiral galaxies 68
Stellar population properties for a sample of hard X-ray AGNs 67
Unveiling the nature ofINTEGRALobjects through optical spectroscopy 66
SN 2011hs: a fast and faint Type IIb supernova from a supergiant progenitor 65
The kinematics of σ-drop bulges from spectral synthesis modelling of a hydrodynamical simulation 65
The intrinsic shape of bulges in the CALIFA survey 65
Polar bulges and polar nuclear discs: the case of NGC 4698 65
Searching for active galactic nuclei among unidentified INTEGRAL sources 64
The VVV Templates Project Towards an automated classification of VVV light-curves 64
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy 61
Stellar populations of bulges in galaxies with a low surface-brightness disc 61
Stellar populations of the bulges of four spiral galaxies 61
Light echoes of supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud 59
Building nuclear stellar discs with star cluster mergers 56
Nuclear discs as clocks for the assembly history of early-type galaxies: The case of NGC 4458 55
The nature of 50 Palermo Swift -BAT hard X-ray objects through optical spectroscopy 55
Cold dark matter cusps in low surface brightness galaxies by means of stellar kinematics 50
Light echoes of SNe in the LMC 48
New Results on Optical Identifications of INTEGRAL Sources 47
A Three-dimensional Map Of Interstellar Dust In Front Of SN 1987A 46
The nature of nuclear stellar disks 45
VVV DR1: The first data release of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea 44
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy - VI. A multi-observatory identification campaign 44
The pseudobulge of NGC 1292 39
Near-infrared spectroscopic indices for unresolved stellar populations: I. Template galaxy spectra 39
Origin of the stellar disk in the nucleus of the SB0 NGC 1023 38
Stellar population in bulges of spiral galaxies 36
VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV): Current Status and First Results 35
Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy VII. Identification of 20 Galactic and extragalactic hard X-ray sources 35
VISTA Milky Way Public Survey 34
A spectroscopic view of stellar populations in bulges of low surface brightness galaxies 34
IC 5181: An S0 galaxy with ionized gas on polar orbits 32
Stellar populations of bulges in galaxies with low surface-brightness discs 31
Disentangling the kinematics and stellar populations of counter-rotating stellar discs in galaxies 26
The VVV Survey of the Milky Way: first year results 25
Dissecting kinematics and stellar populations of counter-rotating galaxies with 2-dimensional spectroscopy 20
Stellar populations of bulges of disc galaxies in clusters 15
A few StePS forward in unveiling the complexity of galaxy evolution: light-weighted stellar ages of intermediate-redshift galaxies with WEAVE 5
The fragility of thin discs in galaxies - II. Thin discs as tracers of the assembly history of galaxies 5
Totale 7.066
Categoria #
all - tutte 23.116
article - articoli 18.571
book - libri 142
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 41.829

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2018/2019536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 296 240
2019/20201.575 246 57 18 93 181 135 174 187 197 121 109 57
2020/2021794 40 102 22 77 34 39 13 75 157 68 72 95
2021/20221.402 49 183 210 92 86 70 71 147 42 24 151 277
2022/2023831 199 129 23 107 117 84 1 49 72 1 33 16
2023/2024289 36 72 34 21 28 39 21 27 5 6 0 0
Totale 7.066